Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2629 She was just playing around

Mrs. Zhu and the others cooked in the kitchen area in the courtyard, not far from the living room. There were flower clusters and bamboos in the courtyard. Looking from the living room, all you could see was falling snow.

Luo Bi hugged the wood jade stone and hurriedly ran towards the kitchen area.

The women in the kitchen area are busy in full swing. It's still early for dinner, so everyone is grilling the low-grade exotic meat first. The meat cooks slowly, so it must be cooked early. Several female relatives are busy there.

Mrs. Zhu Wu took the cooking job from the other women. One of the women used energy wood to make a fire. She waited for the pot to heat up the oil, added onions, ginger and garlic, and was preparing to stir-fry.

When Luo Bi ran over, a thin layer of snow fell on her body. She patted it several times and brushed it away. The cooking stove is right at the door of the kitchen. As you get closer, you can feel the heat coming from the kitchen area.

Just as Luo Bi was about to talk to her aunts, suddenly her eyes burst with surprise. She actually extracted the wood attribute energy liquid.

Damn, she was playing around with it.

In the past, she could only extract small ones, but now she can get larger ones.

The one that doesn't slip out looks pretty bad!

Mrs. Zhu Wu poured the bean sprouts into the choked pot and "simmered" them, and the smoke from the pot came out. No matter how many years it takes to cook, hot pot cooking is just like that, and no one cares.

Luo Bi looked at the energy liquid and said anxiously: "When is it not good for you to cook in a pot, but this time."

Mrs. Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment while cooking. She had never been yelled at by someone like this. If it were another female family member, she would have yelled back. When she turned around and saw it was Luo Bi, she didn't have an attack: "What's wrong...???? ?”

Halfway through her words, Mrs. Zhu Wu was shocked!

Mrs. Zhu San and several others heard Luo Bi's anxious expression and looked over subconsciously. Then they were also dumbfounded, staring blankly at the extracted energy liquid, blinking, and then blinking.

Didn't you see the difference? It's energy liquid, green, it's wood attribute energy liquid.

Mrs. Zhu San knew that the rich boss had just given Luo Bi a large piece of jadeite with wood properties for Luo Bi to play with. Luo Bi was holding it in her arms now. How could she extract the energy liquid? ! !

Mrs. Zhu San felt dizzy, as if in a dream. The wooden jade stone was smashed into her hand, and no one could extract it. But what's going on now? Did you get energy liquid just for fun? ! !

Luo Bi was already angry, but now she was even more angry when she saw that they had not come back to their senses: "You still think the energy liquid is not tasty enough? Hurry up and ask the clan elders for energy bottles and put away the energy liquid."

Mrs. Zhu San came to her senses and ran towards the living room: "I, I'll call the elders and the others."

The other female relatives also reacted. They looked at each other in surprise and did not dare to come forward. Most of them were from the planting system and did not know how to extract. They did not know how to protect the energy liquid that was finally extracted.

"Oh my God!" Mrs. Zhu Wu quickly took out the bean sprouts that had just been poured into the pot without burning them. Just like Luo Bi said, don't let the energy liquid get into the vegetable flavor.

The female relatives were in a hurry here, while Mr. Zhu and the clan elders came over in a hurry.

Everyone looked up and their eyes widened: "..."

The jadeite in this hand was extracted just after it was given away? The problem is that such a large piece of jadeite was just mined after the upgrade of the alien beast. How can it be extracted?

If you don't understand it, don't think about it anymore. The clan elders gave excited instructions. Mr. Zhu took the energy bottle with shaking hands and put away the wood energy liquid.

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