Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2635 No more

Luo Bi hummed, looking at the choice, she walked over to the river fresh basket and picked it out.

It was already after eight o'clock in the evening, and the families of the garrison soldiers who were on missions came to share the supplies with joy. On the other side, more than a dozen exotic beasts were gathered out to share the meat, and everyone was beaming with joy.

There wasn't anything for Luo Bi there, so she just had to choose the delicious river food.

Not only did she pick the good ones, she also picked one after another, making Qin Rong's brows jump. These red claw crabs were picked out by Jiang Yixin. They were all big and good river delicacies, but Luo Bi picked them again.

Why didn't Luo Bi choose the good one and leave it to whom? She won't be polite.

I feel so sorry for you to let you use my crab pot.

Jiang Yixin was dumbfounded: "Luo Bi, you have picked a dozen red claw crabs."

Luo Bi pretended to be stunned. She couldn't do it otherwise. Everyone was pretending to show it to others. It wasn't too much for her to do it too. Don't be too serious. Otherwise, people would think you were stupid. You see how good Jiang Xie'er is at pretending.

Jiang Xian'er didn't show any publicity and just picked up fresh river shrimps without saying a word. She picked up almost two kilograms of spring shrimp.

You said it’s just the size of the jumping shrimp. Do you need to choose one by one? Not to mention how calculating he is.

Qin Rong coughed and reminded that he had picked out more than a dozen red claw crabs, and then Luo Bi stopped picking. I can't choose any more. The Thunder Flame warriors are on a one-day mission, and it's outrageous to eat a pound of river fresh food.

Luo Bi wanted to see other things, so Qin Rong approached Luo Bi and said, "Give me the red claw crabs you picked, and I'll hold them for you. Don't let Zhou Ya and the others see you picking so many, or you'll talk again." ”

A dozen red claw crabs were an acceptable quantity, but Zhou Ya and the others didn't necessarily think so.

Luo Bi was impatient and left the picked red claw crabs to Qin Rong. She went to pick river clams and river clams. He Xiang also walked over. Zhang Wuer winked at the little sisters and quickly picked river fresh food.

Luo Bi glanced at it and said, "I don't want it anymore."

"You don't like to eat fried river clams and clams, why don't you pick up a pound?" He Xiang whispered a few words to He Gan, who dragged over a basket of untouched river fresh food from the side.

Luo Bi glanced at Zhang Wu'er: "I don't want someone else to pick her."

He Xiang compared it and didn't feel that there was any difference between the ones that had been picked and the ones that had not been picked. Fortunately, she didn't care about this, so she gave the basket of river fresh food that He Gan had left to Luo Bi: "This basket of river fresh food has not been touched. You take your pick!”

Luo Bi quickly said: "No, I don't want it anymore."

"Why don't you want it?" He Xiang had already picked up river clams and river clams from the river fresh basket next to him, and said: "It's meat when you stir-fry it. Add the sauce to make it delicious. You pick that basket, don't let others Robbed."

He Xiang said this, so Luo Bi took a small basket of river fresh food to pick out. River clams and river clams were almost the same size, so they were the same whether they were picked or not. Luo Bi just picked up a small river fresh basket.

This kind of Xiaohe fresh basket only weighs three to five kilograms.

He Xiang was surprised: "Why don't you pick one?!"

"They're all the same, there's nothing to choose from." Luo Bi looked around. Jiang Xi'er also came over and carefully picked out the river fresh food. This person has a lot of eyes, so it's easy to pick which one.

He Xiang smiled: "How about I pick it for you? Look at Zhang Wu'er, she and her little sisters have been picking for a while. How much do you think she can divide, up to two kilograms, but how carefully she picked, a small Don’t want any.”

"No need." Luo Bi was angry when she saw Jiang Xinger and the others being so picky. She looked away and asked He Xiang: "Zhang Wuer can't get the red claw crab, can he?"

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