Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2646 Second Level Combat Power Beast

Luo Bi had a smile in her eyes, trying not to laugh. She glanced at her coldly and went back to watch the battle with Lan Ze.

The hunting team was all watching the battle, and they couldn't decide whether to estimate each other's fighting strength.

"There haven't been so many strange beasts in the morning, how come so many have migrated here after a meal?" The young Lei Yan warrior looked down, frowning and slightly surprised: "There are too many strange beasts for us to keep busy, so should we still hunt or not?" "

Other Leiyan warriors also came closer to watch. One Leiyan warrior who had been watching the battle said: "The noise of the fighting here is too loud, which attracted other strange beasts. They are not just migrating here."

"What should we do? Still hunting?"

"Let's take a look. It's better not to waste energy liquid and elixir in vain."

The people in the hunting team next to me heard this and planned to wait and see. As long as fighting will be consumed, it is not worthwhile if the animals are not hunted after the consumption. How scarce are resources now? It must be calculated.

When Luo Bi heard everyone's discussion, her heart moved. She was still thinking that a hunting team came back without hunting any strange beasts. They climbed onto the ice and snow city wall and quickly took the elixir to heal their injuries.

Later, several hunting parties returned.

Women and children hurriedly ran back and forth to do their work, and several teams were extremely busy.

The waiting position was opened a few places, and Zhu Xingzhi quickly grabbed it, holding the ice and snow wall to look closely. He felt that the field of vision was very wide. Zhu Xingzhi waved and said: "Xingrong, Luo Bi, come here, the location is good."

"Luo Bi, let's go there." Zhu Xingrong called Luo Bi.

Luo Bi didn't move. She had no interest in crowding with others, so she called Zhu Xingzhi and said, "Let's go somewhere else."

Zhu Xingzhi had no choice but to follow Zhu Xingrong. The hunting teams south of the ice and snow city wall were unevenly distributed. Luo Bi took two children for a stroll. When he saw a place with few people, he went over to watch the tide of strange beasts.

At a glance, I saw several flaming duck beasts and colorful exotic beasts.

The little fox beasts and little pig beasts were also among them. The hunting team fought with a few selected alien beasts. These nasty little fox beasts and little pig beasts took the opportunity to attack, and they were very treacherous and despicable.

Roger and Tang Shao were talking. When he saw Luo Bi, he stopped talking and asked, "Luo Bi, why are you here?"

Luo Bi said: "Come and take a look."

Roger didn't care either: "It's windy here, so go back quickly."

Luo Bi nodded in agreement and continued walking with the two children.

After walking for a while, Zhu Xingzhi didn't want to leave: "Luo Bi, are we still going around?"

He Yun's tenth combat team is in front. There is no hunting team here, and Roger's team is on the other side. It's very good. Luo Bi approached the ice and snow wall and looked down, from far to near.

The two children also approached, and Zhu Xingrong's eyes lit up: "There is a low-level alien beast."

Zhu Xingzhi was not interested: "Didn't you see that there are second-level beasts next to you? No one dares to hunt low-level beasts, let alone the two of us."

Luo Bi had a panoramic view of the distribution and combat power levels of the alien beasts. She couldn't help but laugh and asked the two children: "Do you want to eat meat?"

Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong said without thinking: "Eat meat!"

Luo Bi picked out the tide of alien beasts again, pointed to a second-level alien beast and said, "Have you seen that camel beast? That little camel beast with a crystal embedded in it."

The two children looked around and found two ostrich beasts in the tide of strange beasts, one adult, far away, and a small camel beast, not far away.

The two children nodded: "I saw the little camel beast."

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