Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2649 Two thousand six hundred and forty-nine little camel beasts

He Xiang didn't have time to accompany Luo Bi, so he said, "I'm busy."

Luo Bi asked her to be busy and played with the small optical computer. The other talented people looked at Luo Bi curiously and continued to do their own things, some refining and some extracting.

If you don't understand, just ask He Xiang.

He Qian finished counting the energy fluids and elixirs and took them to fight. Luo Bi had enough of playing with the small optical brain and raised her feet to see how Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong were staring at each other. After watching it, I went back to play with the small optical computer.

He Qian couldn't help but laugh, and turned around to mention it to He Yun. He Yun didn't care, he just thought that Luo Bi had been spoiled and had nothing to do, and came here with a few children to watch the Thunder Flame warriors hunt.

The combat team picked a colorful beast that could not be defeated for a long time. He Yun stood on the ice and snow wall and frowned, looking at the beasts with level 2 or above combat power that were walking over one after another. He was furious.

He Xiang refined a batch of elixir, but she stopped refining because she was exhausted from the mental energy consumption.

Wei Zi's batch had not yet been refined, and Luo Bi stopped playing with the small optical brain. She ran to He Yun's team to watch the battle. The combat team was fighting for a long time with several second-level and above alien beasts.

After fighting for a long time, Luo Bi looked at the little camel beast. In the wind and snow, the little camel beast was still staring at the child.

Luo Bi estimated the time and walked around the combat team. Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong didn't say anything and Luo Bi knew they were cold, but they had been staring for a long time and couldn't stare in vain.

Luo Bi looked down at the little camel beast with squinted eyes on the ice and snow city wall. Zhu Xingzhi asked: "Luo Bi, do you still want to stare at the little camel beast? Why are you staring at it?!"

Zhu Xingrong also said: "Luo Bi, why don't we go home!"

Luo Bi didn’t want to go back like this! At this moment, the heat in her body disappeared again. She stamped her feet and looked at the little camel beast coaxing the child. If it didn't work, she didn't want it.

While Luo Bi was talking to the child, the little camel beast staggered from the cold.

Oh my god, I can eat meat. Luo Bi was excited. Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong also saw it. The two children frowned and stared at the little camel beast.

Luo Bi didn't tell the child, and waited calmly for a while. The little camel staggered again and suddenly fell on the snow.

Zhu Xingzhi’s eyes widened: “??????!!”

Zhu Xingrong opened his mouth and widened his eyes: "...?????"

Oh my god! The child was shocked!

"You two, don't be stunned." Luo Bi was happy and hurriedly said: "The little camel beast has no fighting power. You should hurry down the ice and snow city wall, stay away from other strange beasts, and carry the little camel beast up."

Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong were both dumbfounded, but the little camel beast was meat. They took out the small jade sword without any time to think, and ran down the mountain range of the ice and snow city wall with their short legs.

Luo Bi watched the battle on the ice and snow wall. The little camel beast she picked was small. Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong ran around the other beasts, picked up the little camel beast and left.

When they arrived in front of the mountain range, the two children put down the little camel beast and put their hands to their mouths to breathe.

Luo Bi watched the enemy formation for them on the ice and snow city wall. Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong were worried about being robbed of the exotic beast, so they breathed a sigh of relief and quickly carried the little camel beast onto the ice and snow city wall.

The child was so excited that he put down the little camel beast. Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong had not yet recovered.

"This is a little camel beast with a second-level combat power?!" Zhu Xingzhi felt dizzy.

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