Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2656 You are good-looking

Luo Bi felt funny when she heard this.

"What's so funny about this? You don't know the circle of gifted masters yet." Luo Bi was so unconcerned that Wu Cheng was speechless: "Right is touching. You haven't tasted the sweetness, otherwise you wouldn't think so."

Luo Bi asked: "With power, can I get everything I want?"

"That's not true." Wu Cheng nodded vigorously: "If you gain a position of power in the talent world, many people will fawn over you. Even if you want to mobilize an imperial army, it will be no problem. Just look at the eldest princess, and the three major Who in the galaxy wouldn’t give me some face?”

Luo Bi is not interested in these things. The intrigue among the three major galaxies is even more intense, so she doesn't worry about it: "Give me an army and I will still take care of it. As for the rest, why do I want others to give me face? I don't care about it."

Wu Cheng: “·······”

"You, you are really good. I have never seen you like this." Wu Cheng's mouth was dry and he had nothing to say: "With your position of power, you are good-looking, and you can choose a few outstanding Thunder Flame warriors. husband."

This time Luo Bi was speechless: "..."

She coughed hard and said, "I'll tell Fengling."

"No, let me use an analogy." Wu Cheng was anxious. Don't look at Luo Bi, whom Fei Ling doted on. If Luo Bi dared to have other ideas, Fei Ling would be ruthless.

Not to mention him, who is teasing me from the side.

Wu Cheng was anxious, and Luo Bi smiled. She smiled and said seriously to Wu Cheng: "Don't think of all problems so simply. Even the eldest princess, a white coriander who can give birth to children, is enough to make her unable to fight back." , the power status is not as good as that of children. In the three major galaxies, the strong ones are still Thunder Flame Warriors. Even one of them can't play, how many are there? Besides, I can't use my natural ability, so it's all in vain."

Wu Cheng finally thought it over. He talked for a long time, but Luo Bi couldn't listen at all. He had other ideas.

Luo Bidu has moved Bai Xian out, but that's not true. As long as she has children, even if Bai Xian has no talent, the Thunder Flame Warriors with strong genes in the three major galaxies can still hold her up, and her power position is more stable than that of a talent consort. too much.

"You can't use your talents, come to Emperor Star to find Zhan Yi!" Wu Cheng was upset when he mentioned his child, and continued to talk about how popular talents are now! Maybe it will be fine if you take care of it.

Luo Bi knew what was going on, so she changed the subject to talk about something else. Wu Cheng had no time to chat, so he chatted for a few more words and hung up the call.

The current situation in the three major galaxies is not unclear to Luo Bi. The galactic war season is an opportunity. It can improve the combat power of the Thunder Flame Warriors and extend their lifespan for hundreds or thousands of years. Who doesn't covet it is a fool.

Eh? She forgot to ask what level Wu Cheng's combat power was now.

Wu Chengdu said, let's refine it. Luo Bi threw out several furnace cauldrons. If she didn't like the big one, she picked out the small furnace cauldron and picked out a small refining formation cauldron.

Luo Bi didn't think about what to refine. She wasn't good at elixirs, so she wouldn't refine them.

I moved the small alchemy cauldron and cleaned it, dried it with a clean towel and put it in the sun. The weather has been very good recently, and it will probably dry after a while. Luo Bi moved a box of spiritual plants, picked out ten of them in good condition, and processed them. Several plants.

It was difficult to choose jadeite and jadeite. Luo Bi took out a box of high-grade natural jadeite and jadeite and picked from them. It took a long time to pick out twelve pieces, with various attributes.

After Luo Bi picked out the refining materials, Fengling came back.

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