Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2660 I’m used to this

Fengling said: "Do you want to get together tonight?"

I won’t mention the formation disk, it can’t be used, and it would be pointless to mention it again.

"Look! Leng Lie has military affairs." Wen Xiao turned on the multi-function communicator and dialed Zhan Di. He went out to the party just to have fun, so he and Roger couldn't play with him.

Leng Lie himself needed to stabilize his combat power, and also needed to keep Bai Xian healthy, and needed to prepare equipment and resources for missions. If Leng Lie didn't go to the party, Wen Xiao would stop calling him.

Fengling and Roger went to the living room. Luo Bi fiddled with the defense array plate in her hand. There were twelve installation slots on it. She didn't believe it couldn't be used. Jiang Yixin came closer and asked this and that. It would be great if the formation disk could be used. Other talented people may not be able to refine the formation disk.

"The women of your Luo family are very talented in refining, and Luo Sha can also refine the formation disk." After Luo Bi refined the formation disk, Jiang Yixin thought of the talents of the Emperor Star Luo family: "And Luo Wan, Luo Wan He is a three-series gifted master, and his ability is above Luo Sha, but when it comes to refining arrays, Luo Sha is still more powerful."

Luo Bi scoffed. Luo Wan had snatched Bai Yang away, and Luo Sha could only secretly resent him. Therefore, Luo Wan was not only outstanding in talent, but also no less skilled in scheming.

So what if Luo Chao can refine the formation disk?

All in all, Luo Wan is more capable.

Jiang Yixin didn't notice the unclear meaning of Luo Bi's smile. She ate snacks and stared at the array plate, mumbling about why it couldn't be used. It was obviously a defensive array plate.

Who do you ask this? Luo Bi didn't study it clearly, so she put away the defensive array after a while.

Putting it away and then taking it out again, Luo Bi ran to the living room and asked Fengling: "Fengling, is this a defensive array?"

Fengling took the palm-sized formation disk into her hand again, took a look at it, and handed it to Luo Bi: "It's a defensive formation disk."

Roger smiled: "It can't be used, so what if it's a defensive array."

Luo Bi put the small array away again and ignored Roger.

"Zhan Di is going back to Emperor Star and won't go out for a party." Wen Xiao ended the call with a few words, came to the living room to mention it to Roger, and asked: "Fengling, Zhan Di, and Leng Lie are not going, how can we both Do you want to go? The combat team will go on a mission in two days, otherwise we won’t go.”

Roger Qiang was restless, leaning on the sofa and frowning, and Wen Xiao looked over.

"Roger Qiang is restless, so it's okay if you don't go." Feng Ling said: "Wen Xiao, who is going to cook, you or Jiang Yixin? I won't cook for you. If you want to eat, you can do it yourself. There are ingredients in the kitchen, and the ginseng must be tender. My Abi is weak and can’t stand the perennial ginseng grass.”

Wen Xiao: “·······”

I'm used to this, how can I still choose ginseng and grass? Other women can't eat it. The more they get used to it, the worse they become.

Wen Xiao asked Jiang Yixin to go to the kitchen with him to prepare dinner: "Jiang Yixin, let's cook."

Jiang Yixin responded and took a few bites of the snacks in her hand. Fengling's food was all nutritious. Jiang Yixin looked at it and was jealous. The low-grade exotic animal meat was all of good quality.

Wen Xiao took out a young ginseng grass from the small basket and said "tsk", thinking that it was given by the spoon, and then opened the Lingzhi spoon, and several people planted ginseng grass in the planting fields.

His little Huoqiu also planted a ginseng grass field, but there was not as much ginseng grass as the spoons.

This was because his brother Wen Yaoqiang's genes needed to be nurtured. Otherwise, Little Fireball could have pulled out his own ginseng grass and sent it to Luo Bi. Wen Xiao took two plants and prepared them for cooking.

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