Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2672: Two thousand six hundred and seventy-two snatching strange beasts

Luo Bi: "······"

It seems that with the ability of planting fields, it is a bit unable to defeat the beasts with first-level combat power.

Wei Bunting: "·······??!!!"

After killing a first-level alien beast, the planting field is gone? ! The kid doesn't know why. If he doesn't have enough energy, he can introduce superpowers! Why is the energy exhausted? ? !

There are dozens of little fox beasts and piglet beasts here. Wei Bunting can't defeat them, so he must either retreat to the mountain or continue fighting. Fighting requires equipment and resources. Wei Bunting has a first-class jade sword, but no energy liquid.

A nearby hunting team suddenly felt something was wrong and looked in this direction.

Luo Bi and Wei Bunting have been tossing around here for a while. The hunting team didn't pay attention at first. Moreover, they were too busy during the battle to pay attention to anything else.

When the hunting team noticed something was wrong, they distracted their attention here.

Sensing the gaze from the hunting team, Wei Yu's heart was pounding. He had not yet confiscated the strange beasts he had killed.

The guard bunting remained calm and did not go to collect the prey. As long as the little fox beast did not snatch it, he was in no hurry. Wei Bunting thought about it. As long as he didn't move, no one would have thought that a woman and a child could kill a beast with first-level combat power.

Wei Bun suppressed his thoughts and discussed with Luo Bi: "Get another planting field."

Luo Bi shook her head: "No."

Wei Bunting: "·······"

Luo Bi also caught a glimpse of other hunting teams looking this way. She sneered and fiddled with the formation disk to explain: "I haven't figured out the formation disk yet. I don't have time to study it. There is no need for the formation disk."

Wei Bun's expression paused and he held his sword in his hand: "Damn, the little fox beast is trying to steal its prey. I'll go and collect the strange beast."

The little fox beast was already treacherous and difficult to deal with, and now it was even more ready to take action. Wei Yu was ready to go over and snatch the first-level alien beast that he had killed. Without the help of the planting field, the child was not sure that he could overtake the little fox beast.

The little fox jumped off the rock, and the guard bunting was so nervous that the strange beast was snatched away by the little fox.

Luo Bi saw the motive of the little fox beast at a glance. She had no control over these little beasts robbing other people. She and Wei Yu finally killed a strange beast, but they might have been snatched away before they could eat it.

Luo Bi was angry and hated her so much that she took out a bottle of energy liquid from her storage bracelet and asked Wei Bun: "What's your combat power level? Is there any energy liquid that can deal with these little fox beasts and pig beasts?"

"I am a first-level combat power." Wei Yu took out a bottle of energy liquid from the storage ring in pain and drank it. He only had this bottle and it was gone after using it: "If there is enough energy liquid, I will definitely Can deal with little fox beasts.”

Luo Bi was surprised. No wonder the Wei family is known as a family of warriors. Even a child like Wei Bun has a first-level combat power: "The little fox beast is useless. Killing the little fox beast is better than hunting a few more little pig beasts." , Pigmon has crystal stones.”

While talking, several small fox beasts jumped off the rocks, ready to snatch the strange beasts.

Damn it, Luo Bi gave the energy liquid to Wei Bun: "Don't save it, I still have energy liquid. Fengling prepared several bottles for me and killed these little fox beasts for me."

Wei Yu took the energy liquid, rushed over and kicked a small fox beast away, and stabbed another one with his sword. Luo Bi glanced at it several times. The little fox beast that was kicked away rolled a few times and ran back to snatch the prey.

Look, the attack is not ruthless enough!

Wei Bunting swung his sword to repel the little fox beast that rushed towards him, turned around and fired a superpower, killing a little pig beast. With the energy liquid, the child's fighting power can be unleashed.

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