Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2683 Scratching away

The Thunder Flame warriors sped up, while Luo Bi and Wei Yu took a rest.

Seeing the first-level beast that she killed, Luo Bi opened the storage bracelet and put it away. They still had to hunt, and there were not enough manpower. It was impossible to spare people to carry it to the station.

Roger was furious. What does it mean to say that each one of them will never come back? This feeling was very familiar. Roger dialed the message to Wei Yu, who told him about the battle situation there.

Roger was overjoyed and directed Qin Rong to pack the roasted meat. Roger boarded the spaceship and took half a box of nutritional milk. There was a beverage shop on the rocky mountain. Roger bought a fruit drink and threw the large and small bags onto the military hover vehicle and followed Qin Rong. Rush over.

When Roger and Qin Rong arrived, Luo Bi and Wei Bun opened up a new hunting area. The main battlefield opened by the elite forces of each legion and the family hunting team was in the main mountain range of Xiaozhu Mountain.

Luo Bi and the others were in the mountains next to Xiaozhu Mountain, close to the main battlefield. Wen Xiao thought that Luo Bi would enter the main battlefield. As long as he caught the attention of various forces, it would not be difficult to gain status and power.

Who knows, Luo Bi has no intention of doing this.

Luo Bicai did not interfere with others and opened up a new hunting territory from the main battlefield to the south. Her idea was very simple, you attack your planet, we will attack ours, and no one will take advantage of the other.

The untouched mountains and forests were rich in resources, and Luo Bi took a fancy to this. Wen Xiao was a little hesitant, but he could tell. If he didn't follow Luo Bi, he might give up.

Roger jumped off the military hover vehicle and stopped him: "The mountains and forests in this direction have never been hunted before. There are abundant supplies and a high risk factor. It is better to go hunting with everyone on the main battlefield."

Roger paused and continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to be in the limelight. With Wen Xiao and I, I won't make people suspicious. You don't have to worry about that."

Luo Bi was interested in the uninhabited mountains and forests, so she didn't fight with all the forces. She had to rob the beasts after killing them. She didn't want to rob others, and she didn't want others to rob hers.

She didn't say anything if she didn't have the ability. Since the small basket array can activate the array function, it would be great to conquer the territory by yourself, and no one should try to take advantage of her.

Everyone was talking, Qin Rong took out the barbecue, and everyone washed their hands and ate while discussing.

"Let's try to open up a forest. If it doesn't work, we can fight on the main battlefield." Luo Bi took the juice handed over by Wen Xiao and took a sip. It was hot. She didn't want to drink it anymore. She held it in her hand and said, "Kill it." We have to fight for exotic beasts, who has the time?"

Roger couldn't persuade him, so he stopped trying and quickly replenished his strength. Luo Bi called everyone to walk towards the mountains and forests to the south. Everyone hurriedly ate barbecue and moved bamboo baskets to follow.

Next to it is the main line of Xiaozhu Mountain. It is impossible to hunt far away. Roger is worried that there is no way to retreat and his retreat will be cut off by strange beasts. The legions have to fight together, so they dare not go deep.

However, Roger then discovered that his worries were completely unnecessary. Luo Bi was just scraping the land, and she was also scraping when hunting exotic animals. No matter what the exotic beasts were, she would kill them one by one when she saw them, so she called the child to guard the bunting. Get up and throw it away.

Don't Pigmon and Foxmon live in groups? Cunning and vengeful? Luo Bi specializes in dealing with all kinds of dissatisfaction, and the two teams of the little fox beast and the little pig beast launched an attack together. In terms of combat strategy, they should fight their way out.

But Luo Bi doesn't care. It doesn't matter what her strategy is, which one gets closer and she kills which one. If you dare to come over, she will kill you.

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