Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2686 Profitable

Luo Bi glared at the child: "Here comes another little pig beast."

The bird was startled and quickly looked over. Luo Bi stepped on the step ladder and climbed up the tree. The child was confused. He looked at the tree and then at the little pig beast running towards him. How was he going to lift it up? ! !

Luo Bi found a tree branch and sat down. Wei Yue pulled the fruit branch, picked off the fruit and asked, "Aren't you going to kill strange beasts anymore?"

"Kill the strange beast!" Luo Bi picked a fruit and was very happy, and shouted to the confused child under the tree: "The little pig beast is close, I caught it, you hurry up and work hard with me, I still want to pick the fruit." "

The guard bunting nodded quickly, glanced at the tree with jealousy, and hurriedly threw the strange beast with his sword.

"Don't be jealous, as long as you can kill the little fox beasts and piglets that come over." As soon as Luo Bi climbed up the tree, Wei Ye could see that the child was jealous, but what kind of temper was Luo Bi? The guard bunting is jealous to no avail.

Wei Bun nodded: "I won't let the strange beasts come over."

Wu Cheng looked up at the trees, which were ruffled by a gust of wind.

When she wasn't picking fruits, she didn't see how powerful Luo Bi was in combat. But with fruits, it was different. People could pick fruits and throw strange animals into the basket at the same time. How could Luo Bi be so good at it? !

Luo Bi is indeed very capable. She leans on the tree and steps on the branches. If the little fox beasts and little pig beasts can't come to her, she will pick the fruits.

It would be embarrassing to come over and throw it into the basket with a "swish".

Wei Wei: “·······”

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Roger wanted to laugh. This time he called Luo Bi and made a profit.

Wen Xiao and the others finally figured it out. Others were killing strange beasts in a battle, but Luo Bi was just playing with them, picking a few fruits, seeing the little pig beast running over, and throwing the little pig beast again.

Wen Xiao and Luo Jie twitched their lips, and Luo Jie said: "Look, I'm busy with her."

Wen Xiao was funny: "Let's get together tonight and have a good meal."

Roger sighed: "My strong gene is a little restless."

Wen Yao also had a strong gene and was restless. Wen Xiao looked at Roger and didn't mention it again.

Luo Bi was so busy that she was in high spirits, thinking to herself, no one would say she was lazy this time! She is very diligent. She thought like this and said to Wei Yu: "You said I am playing at home and it doesn't bother anyone. What do the garrison families say that I do?"

Wei Yu chatted with her: "I'm jealous of you, they just want to play, who will support them!"

Fengling is willing to raise Luo Bi, so there is no use in anyone being jealous.

Seeing that in the middle of the afternoon, Luo Bi and Wei Bun killed the little fox beast and the little pig beast so that they did not dare to come here. Roger had no time to count the supplies and raised his feet to sort out the spiritual plants and ingredients.

Wu Cheng picked a basket of velvet mushrooms and a small half basket of other mushrooms. Wu Cheng didn't want any ordinary mushrooms. No one has set foot here, and the mushrooms in the mountains and forests are all rare species. He is too busy with the good ones, so who wants ordinary mushrooms?

Wen Xiao dug up hundreds of various spiritual plants, two mid-level spiritual plants, and almost all the rest were low-level spiritual plants, which were as much as harvested by a legion combat team.

It can be seen that there are still abundant resources in the mountain forests that no one has hunted.

Luo Bi was very happy when she came down from the tree. You see, she didn't collect supplies with the family hunting team, and she harvested a lot. That's right, she wasn't satisfied with the strange beasts she hunted.

"How many first-level exotic beasts have been hunted?" Luo Bi probably knew what was going on. Not counting the rough skin and thick flesh of the crystal beasts, plus what Roger and the others had harvested in the morning, they should have hunted two first-level exotic beasts.

Eating is not included.

"Less than twenty." Wei Buzzard jumped down from the tree.

Not so much, Luo Bi said: "Crystal beasts don't count. Crystal beast meat is not delicious. I'm talking about good meat quality."

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