Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2694 Support

Luo Bi had lunch at her parents' house and then went to Zhu's house to chat with Mrs. Zhu about the Yang family.

After Mrs. Zhu played with the vegetables and listened, she said: "Why are you angry? Just wait. The Fan family is currently attacking the planet and has no time to deal with Yang Yu. When they do, they will definitely not give Feng Zihui an intermediate spiritual plant in vain."

After Luo Bi had finished playing, she went home to inquire about Fan Yao's family's reaction. In the evening, Fengling came back and chatted with Fengling. She is still very angry. The child's intermediate spiritual plant was given to Feng Zihui like this. It was so annoying.

Fengling didn't care about this. She raised her wrist and glanced at the terminal, urging Luo Bi to sleep: "Yang Yu doesn't care about our business. Don't worry about it. Go to bed quickly."

Early the next morning, Fengling dialed Qin Yilang and prepared breakfast.

During this period, the progress of attacking planets has been slow, and planets occupied by alien beasts are full of dangers, which present both opportunities and challenges. Therefore, the legion forces of the three major galaxies are all deploying military forces.

Attacking the planet is imperative, but long-term high-intensity combat is not feasible either.

After the army generals discussed it, the combat teams took turns fighting, one group fought, and the other group went back to rest and recuperate. A powerful Thunder Flame warrior like Fengling would go home to rest for a day and a half and then go back to fight.

There is abundant rain in summer, and the days are cloudy, and the rain is not heavy or light. The plants are nourished by the rain, and the branches and leaves are swaying in the rain, full of vitality.

Fengling went to Qingyao Star, while Luo Bi was organizing the planting fields at home. Roger and Wen Xiao called her to go on a mission together, but Luo Bi didn't go. Some people didn't say she was delicate, so she was.

Luo Bi was playing coquettishly at home, and Fan Yao's family came to support her. Fan Yao's brothers Fan Rong and Fan Ji came, and with them came their good brother Han Chong.

Several people were in the legion attacking the planet, and they didn't rush to take action after receiving Fan Yao's communication. They had their hands free this day and rushed over from Qingyao Star to support Fan Yao and her son.

Brother Fan Rong didn't go in either, so he waited at the door for Yang Yu to rush home.

Seeing that there was a lot of fun to be seen, Lan Qiao excitedly called other family members of the garrison.

They thought it was the female family members who came, and they could just scold Yang Yu to vent their anger. After all, Fan Yao and Yang Yu had been divorcing for a day or two, and Fan Yao's family had not come to support her. It was so ineffective that the female family members came to scold her. Just one meal was enough to vent Fan Yao's anger.

Yang Yu hurried back, and Fan Rong looked at him with a very indifferent expression and said: "Where is the intermediate spiritual plant that Qi Yan dug up? My sister is not very talented and can't use it. Give it to me, I can use it."

Fan Rong is a Thunder Flame warrior, let alone a spiritual plant, but when he says this, no one can say no.

Yang Yu was stunned for a moment: "I have made a contract with the talent of the combat team."

He didn't mention Feng Zihui, so Fan Ji narrowed his eyes.

Fan Rong nodded, changed the topic, and asked: "I heard that you want to divorce my sister, do you think you are better than my sister?"

"Fan Yao and I are not on the same page." Yang Yu protected Feng Zihui, only talking about Fan Yao and not mentioning Feng Zihui at all.

The garrison family members whispered among themselves that Yang Yu had made up his mind to get a divorce. In fact, this was not surprising at all. Everyone had already thought that Fan Yao was not talented and would be weak compared to Feng Zihui.

Fan Yao rushed out of the house: "Why can't we get married? I don't want a divorce."

The family members of the garrison were speechless. Yang Yu had made up his mind to divorce. Won't you leave? !

Fan Rong glanced at her: "You can't get used to her even if you don't divorce her."

Fan Rong dialed Yang Zaichong, and soon, Yang Zaichong came to Zhihuangxing.

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