Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2698 Energy Flowers and Plants

A group of children from the Zhu family were tired from fighting. After eating and resting, Luo Bi chatted with the children.

Luo Bi played every day, but Roger and others couldn't stand it anymore. After mentioning it a few times, Luo Bi said: "I can't use my natural ability. Refining and extracting it is a headache. You didn't knock down the planet during the mission."

Yes, Roger won’t say anything.

When General Qi Lan saw that Luo Bi couldn't play like this, he called Luo Bi and mentioned it. He had no other intention, just that he didn't want Luo Bi to become unfamiliar without using her talents.

Luo Bi said, "How about I hatch some partridge chicks?"

She found herself a job.

"Do you have any partridge eggs?" General Qi Lan asked.

"No." Luo Bi said, "I haven't raised any partridge chickens yet. Where can I get some partridge eggs?"

General Qi Lan: "······"

"You'd better refine and extract it!" If Luo Bi could raise the little partridge chicken, Admiral Qi Lan wouldn't let her bother, but Luo Bi couldn't raise it well!

Luo Bi was unwilling: "I have a headache!"

Admiral Qi Lan held his forehead. When Luo Bi said he had a headache, he also had a headache. However, it was not an act of pretending that the innate ability could not be used. Fengling felt distressed and it was hard for him to say anything. Just let the headache go!

After hanging up the communication, Luo Bi thought for a while, found the spiritual plants to select, processed a furnace of spiritual plants, and moved out the cauldron to refine. She was really rusty after not refining for a long time, and the first furnace exploded.

Luo Bi sighed, stopped refining, and took out a piece of fire jadeite to extract.

The fire jadeite's energy fireball has a relatively strong attack power. Luo Bi mobilized her mental power and spent more than an hour before taking out a bottle of energy liquid, which she put away.

It started to rain, moderate rain, falling on the large balcony.

Wu Cheng went back to the Emperor Star and brought back a bunch of delicious food for Luo Bi. He mentioned his natural ability in a few words. Wu Cheng was also worried that Luo Bi was rusty in refining and extracting.

Luo Bi smiled and changed the topic. She knew in her heart that if her talents couldn't be used, they couldn't be used.

Wu Cheng also wanted to go to Qingyao Star to fight, and left after eating.

Luo Bi took a lunch break and picked a piece of jadeite to extract. If she extracted it carefully, it would take more than an hour, but if she didn't, it would take less than an hour. It was incomparable with the previous extraction speed.

Just like this, Luo Bi still had a headache, but thinking about the shortage of energy liquid now, she still extracted a bottle of energy liquid after sleeping.

Fengling went to Qingyao Star, and Luo Bi gave him twenty bottles of energy liquid with various properties.

Fengling looked at her, and Luo Bi said: "I extracted them when I was playing. You can take them for emergencies. There are more attack attributes. It's not that I can't use my natural abilities. In fact, it's a headache if I don't use them."

She kept having a headache. Fengling felt distressed and stretched out her arms to hold her in her arms: "We can just take care of her."

After fighting for a day on Qingyao Star, Fengling went to Emperor Star and bought some rare energy flowers and plants from Zhan Yi, hundreds of them, and then went to buy them after planting them.

Luo Bi was happy: "Don't worry about it, I will plant it."

As long as Luo Bi was happy, Fengling washed his hands and prepared lunch. The exotic meat he shared was the best. He took duck wings and red claw crabs and put them on the grill to bake, and also grilled some vegetables.

With a combination of meat and vegetables at noon, there is no shortage of nutrients.

After dinner, Fengling went to Qingyao Star. Luo Bi was planting energy flowers and plants at home. She was not interested in anything else. She went to and bought some small hoes and small heads to get busy at home.

Lan Qiao looked at it and was extremely envious.

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