Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2710 Xiaozhu Mountain

The female relatives of the Zhu family were busy choosing vegetables and frying them with dried meat and spicy sauce.

Mrs. Zhu, Guan Zhuting, and Lan Xu had already kneaded the dough. After waking up for a while, they divided it into several pieces, added meat and chopped green onions to make cakes, and then put them one by one in the pot to steam.

The fried pork jerky with spicy sauce is particularly fragrant, and Zhu Xingbao is very greedy.

Luo Bi got up without Fengling's call, put on her summer military uniform, put on her military boots, and ate breakfast quickly.

It was already dawn at this time, Luo Bi drove the sports car to Zhu's house, Wu Cheng and the others had been waiting for a long time.

This time Wei Bun drove a military suspension vehicle, and Bai Juan drove a sports car. It was a luxury car among sports cars and was not suitable for the wild. Luo Bi and others gave him a scolding.

"You can't drive a sports car." Wu Cheng saw Bai Juan's sports car and said happily: "We just went to an undeveloped planet for a walk and then came back. You can drive a sports car for fun, but it can't be driven in the mountains and forests. "

The more I looked at them, the more they looked like they were going to play. These luxury sports cars were coming.

Luo Bi didn't mind anything, and glanced at Bai Juan's sports car: "As long as there is a sports car, there are many of us, and there are only a few cars. The suspension car is too small to sit in, and Bai Juan's sports car is just right."

Luo Bike looked at it and saw that she was also driving a sports car. Including her team, a total of five sports cars and three military suspension vehicles were driven. There were more than 20 of them.

"Where should we put the materials we harvested?" Zhu Xingsu was worried.

"Let's talk about it after we harvest the supplies!" Wu Cheng didn't think they were on a mission, so he turned back into the yard and said, "I'm going to see if the ingredients are ready? Get them and let's set off quickly."

The steamed cakes have been taken out of the pot, put into baskets and placed on the floating car.

Departing at six in the morning, we arrived at Qingyao Star twenty minutes later.

At this time, the combat team was already fighting against the alien beasts. Originally, the alien beasts were distributed in the mountains and forests. When the Thunder Flame warriors attacked the planet, the alien beast groups came one after another.

There are garrison stations scattered on the rock platform. Luo Bi and the others went directly to the garrison of the first combat team. In the past, the talented people were busy in the refining space, but now there were only a few people.

After getting out of the car, Luo Bi looked down from a high position and looked into the distance.

Then, Luo Bi waved her hand: "Let's go, let's go into the forest."

Wu Cheng and the others didn't think much and walked down Rock Mountain towards Xiaozhu Mountain.

The Xiaozhushan Mountains are connected, and the legion has not completely defeated them, but has beaten half of them.

Even if they were all defeated, within half a day, the strange beasts would take them back again.

Therefore, it was difficult to attack the planet. Luo Bi and the others could not go far. There were small hunting teams on the edge of Xiaozhu Mountain in the early morning to collect supplies. If any strange beasts came over, they would fight.

When the children of the Zhu family saw that they wanted to collect mushrooms, Luo Bi said, "No, let's go to the front."

Everyone was stunned and followed him away.

The legion combat team fought in the mountains south of Xiaozhu Mountain. The mountains and forests along the way were filled with hunting teams clearing out strange beasts. The mountains and forests here were cleared, and Luo Bi and the others went straight to the main battlefield.

Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingshao looked stunned when they saw the legion combat team fighting the alien beasts from a distance.

This is the main battlefield. Only legion combat teams and large-scale hunting teams dare to fight here. Those with weak combat power dare not approach. Luo Bi actually took a fancy to the supplies here.

Luo Bi walked towards the bamboo forest nearby: "We are collecting supplies next to the legion combat team."

Wu Cheng was a little dumbfounded: "Luo Bi, our team's combat power is not good. There are a lot of alien beasts on the main battlefield, not to mention their combat power."

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