Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2723 Little Pig

Luo Bi had a small basket array. Wen Yao knew about it, but he didn't expect that they could hunt a second-level combat power Flame Duck Beast.

Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingshao carried the Flame Duck Beast and the Alien Beast and walked to the spring. Several children ran to the kitchen area, opened the lid of the pot, added water to the pot, and chopped energy wood to light the fire.

Wen Xiao's supply warehouse yard was decorated with flowers and grass, and there were sofas and chairs in the living room. Luo Bi lost the energy she had during the battle and sat on the sofa in the living room without wanting to move.

The guard bunting carried a small basket of crystal stones and fired a small fireball. The flame circled around to remove impurities.

Wen Yao asked for it: "I'll remove the impurities."

Luo Bi didn't say no, and the child Bunting got up and went to tidy up the first-level strange beast with everyone. The second-level pyrozoon had to wait until the water boiled to perm it, which would take a while.

Luo Bi took a break and dialed Fengling's message.

Fengling was busy at the moment and said she would come over after the military meeting.

Wen Yao cleaned the impurities from the crystals. Looking at the number of crystals, he guessed how many piglets he had hunted. He was surprised and said with a smile, "Which mountain did you hunt in? You killed so many piglets."

The little pig beasts are nothing, there are only so many little fox beasts that have been killed.

Luo Bi looked tired and didn't want to move: "Xiao Zhushan."

"Xiao Zhushan? With the legion combat team?" Wen Yao put down a crystal, took another one and circled it with a small fireball: "You have hunted at least more than a hundred pig beasts. I think the legion combat team must have hunted them. More."

"We are not on the same battlefield. I don't know how the combat team will gain." Luo Bi thought about the fighting situation of Wu Shao and the others, and said: "The little fox beast group is killing them all. There are more people on the main battlefield than here. If there are more little fox beasts, there will be less little pig beasts to hunt.”

Wen Yao finally figured it out: "You opened up your own battlefield?"

Luo Bi was happy. She took out a brand new small carton from the storage bracelet, put the impurity-free crystals into the small carton, and said with flying eyebrows: "Next to the opening of the combat team, they stopped a large number of small fox beasts. As for the tribe, we opened up a forest next to it, and the little fox beasts are playing with them, and we don’t have many here.”

The combat team fights with the small fox beast, and they can take the lead in hunting.

Therefore, it is hard to say how the combat team will gain.

Of course, the combat team is part of the legion and can gain more than the small hunting team.

It’s just that if you can’t stand being divided, there will be fewer people who will be divided as soon as they are divided.

Unlike Luo Bi's team, the harvest is far greater than the number of people.

Wen Yao raised his eyebrows. He was taking advantage. He raised his hand and threw the impurity-removed crystal into a small cardboard box. Luo Bi shouted with his hands full, and the crystal that was thrown in could not be found.

His temper is so evil.

Wen Yao: "·······"

The younger children over there boiled the water and took it to the spring to perm the duck's feathers. Then a group of children pressed the duck's chin and pulled its chin, and the duck's feathers couldn't be plucked out after the crowd was missing for a while.

Luo Bi walked towards the bamboo basket, lifted the lid of the basket, pulled out the pig's ears and took out two little native pigs. The little native pigs howled, and the ones in the bamboo basket were frightened and jumped.

Wen Yao looked over and the children asked: "Luo Bi, what are you doing?"

"Pack these two out and eat them." It's important to reserve supplies, but it's no good if you don't eat the good ones. Luo Bi handed it to Zhu Xingbao who ran over: "Hurry up and pack them out for cooking. I have to go home and sleep."

Zhu Xingbao blinked: "Eat a little pig?"

Luo Bi nodded: "If you hunt, you will eat."

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