Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2728 Not comparable

Luo Bihehe: "Compared to me, you don't need the help of the military to help your family."

Hua Ran stopped talking and couldn't help but said: "Where's Fengling? You don't need Fengling's connections."

Luo Bi raised her chin: "I don't have to."

Okay, the evil temper has come up again, and Hua Ran can't control her.

"Our family doesn't need you to seize any military power. It's up to you. If you want to use it, let me know." Hua Ran looked around the yard and came down from the hill: "Do you want my help?"

"We don't need you. We will just transplant the flowers, plants and rocks and enclose the yard." Luo Bi waved her hand and said, "We will discuss the other leisure living rooms and other things when we are free. Go and do your work!" "

Hua Ran left after not staying for long. He had to go on a mission to Qingyao Star.

"You don't have to think about anyone?" Wu Cheng was puzzled. As soon as Hua Ran left, he asked: "Nowadays, as long as there are talented people who have people to rely on, they use connections. You have Fengling, why not Let Fengling accompany you on a mission? Besides, if you have this intention, there is also our Wu family. Our family’s talents are not enough, so you don’t have to worry about those evil thoughts at all.”

Wu Cheng hasn't asked his brother yet, so his brother will definitely not refuse.

"If I can get the military power, I will take it. If I can't get it, forget it." Luo Bi opened a bottle of nutritional milk, took a sip and said, "I don't need the help of my family and the legion. I don't believe that I can't get the military power."

"How can you get military power with the little team of Leiyan warriors you lead?" Wu Cheng was worried and kept mumbling: "Everyone relies on help, how can you be so practical."

Zhu Xingshao and several others also came over to talk. They wanted to go on a mission with Luo Bi from the bottom of their hearts, but they had not grown up yet, their strong genes were not stable, and their combat power was not as good as that of the army.

It would be okay if they didn't fight for military power, but if Luo Bi wanted to, he would have to lead another elite team.

People with good talents like Jiang Qianran and Zhou Ya are busy preparing equipment, energy liquids, and elixirs in order to go on missions. Those with average talents are very busy at the moment.

These talented people like to ask around when they are free, see the size of other people's material warehouses, and then make comparisons. In short, they were all careless. When they arrived, Luo Bi, Wu Cheng and the others didn't pay much attention to them.

When they find it boring, these talented people leave.

The yard has natural stones, flowers and plants, stacked stones, running water, and several springs. Luo Bi was busy for a while, and asked Zhu Xingzhi to go up to the hill in the south. This hill was also hers, and the millet was dried on it.

After being busy on the hill for a while, seeing that it was already getting late, everyone went home.

There was a strong wind in the evening and heavy rain in the middle of the night.

Early the next morning, Zhou Ya, Jiang Qianran, Jiang Xiner, He Xiang, Qin Cui and other talented people led a team on a mission. They each had their own little thoughts, but they all smiled brightly.

This ability comparison made many talented people with low backgrounds feel that they had an opportunity, and all of them started to play tricks.

Luo Bi could guess that she didn't join in the fun and was still a little sore when she woke up after a day's rest. She came to the big balcony to eat. Fengling had gone to the military headquarters early in the morning and was not at home.

After dinner, Wu Cheng called over: "Are you still going to the material warehouse?"

"I'm not going. I'm at home, recuperating my energy. We'll go on a mission tomorrow." Luo Bi originally wanted to refine it, but she was tired after eating, so she went back to the bedroom and went to bed to continue sleeping.

Wu Cheng ran to Zhu's house to play, discussed it together, and went to Qingyao Star.

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