Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2734 Different

Luo Jun's face was full of mockery. If his strong genes were still good before and Luo Yan didn't want to rely on others, he could have divided a team from the clan to accompany Luo Yan on the mission.

But now, he was restless while raising strong genes at home, and he couldn't help Luo Yan at all.

Luo Bi couldn't say much. She didn't want to slander Luo Yan, but she couldn't help Luo Yan. Colored stones containing energy are very beautiful, so it is not easy to move them to attract people's attention, lest Tong Wan start talking about distance and distance.

Luo Bi opened the storage bracelet and put away the colored stones.

After leaving the study, Luo Bi asked Luo Jun: "Want to go down and play?"

Luo Jun was low on energy and replied to her: "I'm going to rest."

After walking slowly down the hill, Luo Jun went back to his room to rest. Luo Bi was thinking about the colored stones. After a short stay, he saw that the main house was getting ready for dinner, so he said hello to Luo Huan and left.

Guan Zhuting and Madam Zhu called to discuss the ingredients she would bring with her on the mission. Madam Zhu said, "Should we still bring steamed cakes? The taste will be a little worse if we make them at night. Your mother and I will make them in the morning, lift the pot and bring them with you, and you can set off at noon. You can warm it up and eat it when you have time, but you can eat it like this if you don’t have time.”

Luo Bi didn't want to bring the steamed cakes anymore and didn't really want to eat them: "Don't worry about it, I have my own arrangements."

Mrs. Zhu was stunned: "Let me know if you want to make ingredients."

After hanging up the communication, Luo Bi drove his sports car to the material warehouse center to find Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingshao. The talented people who came back later also led the team back. Lieutenant General Mi Yue was busy counting the numbers.

Luo Bi stopped a child playing: "Have you seen Zhu Xingshao and the others?"

The child looked up at Luo Bi and ran away: "I'll call him."

Not long after, Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingshao came over. Luo Bi gave the child two bags of snacks. The child waved his hands not to run away and returned to the children's team to whisper to others.

Wu Cheng raised his eyebrows, thinking it was quite new.

Luo Bi called Wucheng and a few others and left: "Follow me to the material warehouse."

Wu Cheng didn't ask any questions, Zhu Xingzhi climbed into the sports car and drove, while Luo Bi walked with the others while chatting. It's always different when talented people lead a team. Everyone talks about it with excitement, and their words are nothing more than comparisons.

There was some distance between the first combat team's supply warehouse and the military headquarters' supply warehouse. As several people talked, they didn't feel that they were far away. Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong drove their sports cars first and waited at the door.

When they arrived at the first combat team's supply warehouse, Luo Bi opened the storage bracelet and put away a flaming duck beast.

Wu Cheng was confused: "What are you doing?"

"Eat it," Robbie replied.

Wu Cheng was stunned, and Zhu Xingshao and the others quickly stopped him: "Jiang Qianran and the others have gained a lot. I think it's generous to give out a first-level beast. Just these few Flame Duck beasts, the more they eat, the less they eat. Are you still competing?"

Luo Bi didn't listen to the advice: "We'll talk after eating."

Zhu Xingshao couldn't stop him, so he followed Luo Bi to Zhu's house. The sports car and the hover car were all on board. Luo Bi dialed a message to Mrs. Zhu and Guan Zhuting.

Mrs. Zhu and Guan Zhuting thought Luo Bi had bought ingredients. The two families were close to each other. Guan Zhuting saw that the weather was getting bad and there was a breeze, so she took a coat and went out, while Luo Hang stayed at home.

While the women were talking, Luo Bi and the others came back.

Mrs. Zhu and the others stood up, Luo Bi jumped out of the sports car, trotted over and threw out a small flaming duck beast weighing more than 300 pounds: "Pack it out and make it into barbecue. Let's eat it for lunch."

"Eating duck meat?!!" Mrs. Zhu's wife exclaimed.

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