Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2740 Worthless

Can you not be dumbfounded?

Not to mention the Zhu family guards, even a group of little Leiyan warriors were confused.


Luo Bi is warlike at heart, and she doesn't want to do anything without her fighting ability. Now that the small spoon array she refined has failed, no one can stop her. She rolls up her sleeves and opens up territory with the power of sweeping thousands of armies.

What does it mean to sweep across thousands of armies? It means to come and destroy one by one.

The little fox beast and the little pig beast came over. Luo Bi disliked the little fox beast, but she didn't intend to let it go. She threw a small spoon array device and the little fox beast was blown away no matter how difficult it was.

"Let us kill the little fox beast and the little pig beast. You can attack the ones with higher combat power." A group of children behind them jumped anxiously, looking here and there, looking for someone to stop Luo Bi.

They can clearly see that with a small spoon array activated, people can count the attacks. No matter you are a small fox beast, a pig beast, or even a second-level fire duck beast, they will blow you up without any discussion.

Thank you for using such a powerful array on the little fox beast.

You'd lose money if you exploded a little pig beast. How many interstellar coins is just such a small crystal worth? !

The valuable ones are not sold, and are left to be digested within the family. A little pig beast is far worse than a fire duck beast.

The meat of such a big flaming duck beast is delicious, but it can't be compared with that of a small pig beast.

"There are quite a few little pig beasts over there." Zhu Xingsu raised his sword and pointed, sweating anxiously: "Hurry up, if we kill them, we don't need Luo Bi to take action. We will lose a small spoon array weapon in vain. It's not worth it. It’s like frying a small spoon.”


Zhu Xingshao and Bai Juan were quick-tempered and more anxious than anyone else. They were afraid that Luo Bi would pick up a tattered little fox beast and explode it again. This thing was worthless, so just give it to them.

Feeling anxious and distressed, a group of children pulled hard and picked up more than a dozen small fox and pig beasts in one breath. They were so light when they picked them up and threw them away that Zhu Xingshao and the others were still puzzled.

Luo Bi glanced at it and suddenly became angry: "Who are you fooling? It's all gone."

When the little Leiyan warriors took a look, no, more than ten of them had lost more than half, which was almost like losing them all. It would be better to pull out a few less. More than ten of them, more than half of them had fallen off, and their work was in vain.

The children didn't have time to say anything, so they hurriedly caught the little foxes and pigs that were running around. They caught one and threw one away. Don't be greedy for too much. If you catch too much, half of it will be thrown away. It's unbearable to think about it.

Even so, none of the children wanted Luo Bi to come and help them.

What they caught were small fox beasts and pig beasts, which were far inferior to Luo Bi's ability to blast a second-level alien beast. The little Leiyan warriors couldn't help much, but they still tried their best to catch the small alien beasts.

Luo Bi picked out a first-level combat beast that ran over, threw a spoon and exploded it. This time she threw the spoon, her rolled-up sleeves fell off again. She grabbed the spoon and rolled up her sleeves again.

Rolling up her sleeves, Luo Bi went over to open the storage bracelet and put away the first-level alien beast.

The head of the Zhu family couldn't stand it anymore. This little spoon array weapon is a strange beast. No matter how powerful it is, how can it kill little fox beasts and little pig beasts with this advantage? Thanks! That's a waste of little spoons.

This is not okay.

When Luo Bi started to blow up the alien beasts again, the Zhu family leader rushed over with the escort team. The alien beasts with first-level combat power and above were given to Luo Bi. They stopped the little fox beasts and pig beasts from Luo Bi's control.

Luo Bi waved her hand: "We are not on the same team."

The Zhu family guards didn't listen to this. They were not in a team and they couldn't let the little fox beasts and pig beasts get close to each other. That's not how they were used with so many array weapons.

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