Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2749 Able to give birth

Master Zhu: "······"

Wu Shao walked over and asked, "How many are there?"

"You count." Luo Bi was worried that Wu Shao didn't believe what she said.

To be honest, Wu Shao had no such intention. Luo Bi said there were only a few, so there was no need for him to doubt it. A bunch of little country pigs, with poisonous eyes, they can make an estimate at a glance, so they won't say more to make up for it.

But after Luo Bi said this, Wu Shao counted: "You are good at catching little native pigs. There are more than twenty of them."

More than twenty pigs were not enough. Luo Bi was dissatisfied and called Zhu Xingshao over and threw the little native pigs into the bamboo basket.

With a "snap", the little native pigs were thrown into the basket and rolled several times, one round one pressed against the other. The little native pigs howled, and those who didn't know thought they were slaughtering pigs.

"So many little native pigs?!" Zhu Xingshao covered the basket lid, took a look at the little native pigs, his eyes were full of joy, wiped his sweat and said: "We can't even find them, you have only been around for a long time, and you have caught so many. "

Zhu Xingshao raised his head and whispered: "This kind of little native pig is delicious. The meat is tenderer than the ones we caught before, and it is not greasy when cooked. Bao'er said it is delicious when braised."

Luo Bi was surprised. She remembered that the last time she ate the little native pig was roasted. She only ate it spicy and crispy and didn't care about anything else. She didn't even know that this kind of little native pig was suitable for braised food.

"Then I'll catch more." Luo Bi turned around and left. Suddenly she saw a group of piglets running over. She turned around and told Zhu Xingshao: "You try to catch as many piglets as possible. If you sell the crystals, we can eat the club's private dishes. , the one that made it last time was delicious, eh, by the way, how many pig beasts did we kill? We can sell crystals, pig beasts, and crystal beasts, but we won’t sell the others if we can.”

"There are probably more than 500 pig beasts and more than 20 crystal beasts." Zhu Xingshao was not very clear. He tied up the bamboo basket and moved it to the material pile: "Wucheng has a few, why don't I ask he."

"No need." Not worth worrying about, Luo Bi walked around in the bamboo forest with a small branch. Sometimes she was very controlling and had to know everything well.

It's not necessary.

You have to count when you get back. You said you count when you are too busy. It is a waste of time.

Luo Bi scolded herself, not others.

Luo Bike knew how to play with twigs. This time she dragged a bamboo basket and touched the tree hole when she saw it. She took a twig and poked it in the tree hole.

Damn, are there any little pigs here?

After poking a few times, she heard a familiar humming sound in her ears. Luo Bi smiled happily, "Holy shit," her round head poked her head out, grabbed the pig's trotters and pulled it out, making the little piglet howl in fright.

Luo Bi found it too noisy, so she threw it into a small bamboo basket and threw it. She was so frightened that she broke into a sweat. Without him, a small native pig can be kept but will not be eaten immediately. If it is broken, it will be difficult to raise.

Fortunately, the little local pork has a lot of pork, so it can crawl up and feel energetic.

Luo Bi breathed out and continued to poke the hole in the tree with twigs. There were two, three, four, five... and found that there might be more. Luo Bi was very excited. This sow is good and can give birth. .

Luo Bi poked out eleven little pigs in succession.

Luo Bi was in a good mood, so she pulled a handful of wild fruits from a small shrub and threw them into the basket. Then she dragged the basket and continued looking for the tree hole. After taking a few steps, she noticed the tree she touched casually.

Did you look for it here? Look for it on the other side. Hum hum, there is another tree hole.

After poking it with a twig, I found that the sows in this litter were far worse than the previous one. They only gave birth to three little piglets.

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