Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2754 Earning interstellar coins

Wu Shao watched from the side and did not say anything about taking out two strange beasts.

Luo Bi didn't pay attention to the Zhu family leader anymore, so what else would he do with it? Besides, Luo Bi took out a cattle beast and two flaming duck beasts. They were both small, and the meat quality was always better than what they shared.

Luo Bi gave a basket of spar to Wu Cheng and Wei Bun: "Go to the underground city to sell it, and go to the private restaurant to get some dishes for us to have a good meal."

Wu Cheng happily took it: "The food on the last table was indeed a little short. Two tables were enough for us. We also had the piglet beast and the crystal beast, which were sold together in the dungeon."

Several children came over, and a group of children picked up the prey and got on the hover car and left.

The Zhu family leader and Wu Shao shared the supplies and could not stay for dinner. They said hello and left. Before leaving, the Zhu family leader asked: "Luo Bi, are you going on a mission tomorrow? If you go on a mission, the land will be reserved for you." .”

"I'm not going." Luo Bi was exhausted: "I need to rest for two days."

Luo Bi and Zhu Xingjie closed the courtyard door and went to Wen Xiao's courtyard. At this time, the water had been boiled, and a group of children were scalding their duck feathers and scratching their hair, chattering happily.

"Luo Bi, we can't eat so much meat!" Zhu Xingbao was happy and raised his eyebrows.

Luo Bi had other plans: "I'll give my mother a piece of meat."

Zhu Xingbao nodded and became happy again: "The dishes at Private Kitchen Club are delicious. I couldn't eat enough last time."

Zhu Xingsu was picking mushrooms, and after hearing this, he said angrily: "You haven't eaten enough yet? You've eaten all the famous private food clubs, and you've spent all the interstellar coins you earned on them."

Zhu Xingbao said loudly: "There are still some that haven't been eaten yet."

Zhu Xingsu snorted, Zhu Xingbao and the younger ones carefully grabbed the duck feathers, Zhu Xingjie prepared the seasonings for the barbecue, and the vegetable skewers were already grilled.

Wu Cheng shouted: "We are back."

Luo Bi looked over. A dozen Little Thunder Flame warriors led by Wu Cheng jumped off the hovercar and entered the yard happily. They pulled out the table and set out dishes. All kinds of dishes were put on the table, not for those who are greedy.

Luo Bi didn't care about anyone, so she took a plate of spicy fried chicken and started eating it.

Wu Cheng picked up some vegetables with chopsticks and ate them, then quickly went to work on the barbecue. Wei Bun was too embarrassed to move his chopsticks. He was not familiar with this industry and was an outsider. He didn't want to eat when he was greedy.

Luo Bi saw it and brought a plate of braised pork and said, "Wash your hands and try one piece each first. I'm so busy that I haven't eaten yet."

Wei Bun washed his hands, took a piece of braised pork, and put a smile on his lips as he ate it. The ingredients haven't been baked yet, so just taste them. The little Lei Yan warrior quickly got to work.

When the roasted vegetables were cooked, Luo Bi took another handful of roasted vegetables.

A combination of meat and vegetables, the more you eat, the better it tastes.

The younger ones plucked the Flame Duck Beast's fur cleanly, washed their hands and ran over to eat with them. The older Little Thunder Flame Warriors ate and barbecued the meat. The atmosphere was great.

"Luo Bi, are we still going on a mission tomorrow?" Wu Cheng felt the sweetness and was focused on going on a mission, but he guessed that Luo Bi was tired today and probably wouldn't go on a mission.

But Wu Cheng still has to ask, what if Luo Bi goes on a mission?

When Luo Bi went on a mission to conquer territory, it was so much fun, and she expanded a large area with one stroke.

"I won't go." Luo Bi sighed: "After eating, go home and sleep."

She missed her bed. She lay down and rolled on it, which made her feel comfortable.

She didn't care that she was still on a mission. Luo Bi just wanted to go home and sleep.

Zhu Xingshao laughed.

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