Luo Bi didn't like organizing, so she just threw away the supplies. When Fengling came to the supply warehouse, she saw a mess of exotic beasts with first-level combat power or above, as well as various rare supplies.

Fengling's pupils shrank suddenly, and he laughed after a while. He never expected that Luo Bi and a group of little Leiyan warriors could pull things so well.

Luo Bi was different from other talented people. Fengling knew exactly what kind of equipment she had in her hand. He gave her energy liquids, elixirs, etc., and a group of children harvested them without consuming almost any energy liquids and elixirs. So many supplies.

Fengling's eyes flashed and she started to organize the supplies.

The man probably knew what he was doing, and he sorted it out very quickly, but he couldn't handle the large number of things. Fengling sorted them one by one, trying to make them as clear as possible, otherwise Luo Bi would mess up again if he moved.

Wu Cheng, Zhu Xingshao, and Wei Bun came back from picking wild fruits from Qingyao Star. They moved baskets of wild fruits from the floating car and entered the yard. Fengling heard the noise and came to the yard.

"Fengling, is Luo Bi up?" Zhu Xingzhi put down the bamboo basket and ran over to ask.

Fengling pointed to a location and asked everyone to move the wild fruits there: "Abi is tired. She can probably sleep until noon."

Wu Cheng grabbed a handful of fresh wild fruits and threw them into the basket containing the little native pigs. None of the little native pigs were moved to Wen Xiao's courtyard, and they had no place to put them, so they had to keep them in the baskets.

"Do you want to make a nest for the little native pig?" Zhu Xingshao asked Fengling.

Fengling visually checked the number of little native pigs: "Abi doesn't like raising things, so just keep them in baskets."

Wu Cheng grinned: "Wen Xiao still keeps some in his yard."

Hearing this, Fengling made a move: "Then let Wen Xiao take care of them."

Wu Cheng: “·······”

Without Luo Bi, Wu Cheng and the others could not enter Wen Xiao's yard. Fengling followed. Wu Cheng, Zhu Xingzhi, Wei Bun, Zhu Xingbao, and Zhu Xingrong moved the baskets and put the little native pigs in Wen Xiao's yard.

Pei Yang and Bai Juan carried two baskets of wild fruits over to feed the little native pigs.

"How many are there?" Zhu Xingbao said with bright eyes. These little local porks are delicious, tender and fragrant.

Bai Juan scattered a handful of wild fruits, and the little pigs snorted and grabbed them. The child said, "I'll count them."

Bai Juan counted two baskets, and everyone wanted to go back to Luo Bi's supply warehouse, but the child had to give up.

Fengling was determined to build the yard, but Luo Bi didn't say anything, so Fengling didn't move and continued to sort out the supplies. The children moved the millet to the hill in the yard and spread it out to dry.

Luo Bi didn't sleep until noon. She woke up in the middle of the morning. Knowing that Fengling and the others were in the supply warehouse of the first combat team, she lay comfortably on the bed for a while before getting up.

It was hot in summer, so Luo Bi chose a light gauze skirt and put it on. Not a talented person can wear a gauze skirt, but gauze skirts and gauze skirts are different, it all depends on what you want.

Luo Bi's gauze skirt is bright yellow, long and light, and the skirt swings gracefully like a fairy when she walks.

This style of gauze skirt is suitable for shopping and playing. It happened that she was not on a mission, so Luo Bi happily found it and put it on. She took the car keys and went out, driving the military suspension sports car to the material warehouse of the First Combat Team. .

Luo Bi went on a mission, and this time there were enough crystals. She got to the material warehouse and started to work.

Fengling organized the supplies and worked with Luo Bi. At noon, Fengling asked Wu Cheng and others to go to the private restaurant to prepare two tables of dishes. Together with the barbecue, it was enough to replenish the energy of the Thunder Flame warriors.

Fengling made a call to Qin Yilang in the afternoon but did not go to Qingyao Star.

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