Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2761 Emperor Star

On the Zhihuang Star Military Spaceship, the well-dressed talents attracted attention, and Luo Bi also took a second look.

"They're not going on a mission anymore?" Luo Bi was surprised and turned to ask Wu Cheng.

Wu Cheng hugged a bunch of snacks and ate them with Pei Yang and Bai Juan while playing with the small optical computer. They looked so comfortable. Wu Cheng glanced at them casually and continued to play with the small optical computer.

"If we haven't refined enough resources and equipment, there will be no mission." Wu Cheng didn't give his spare time to the talented people. There was no shortage of talented people in their class, and there was nothing interesting to see.

Luo Bi just listened. At first, the material warehouse was divided into different parts, and everyone wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to show off their talents. Only after completing the mission did I realize that this was not the case at all, so I was unable to continue.

It’s time to go on a mission!

The spaceship arrived at the Emperor Star, and after getting off the spacecraft, several good-looking women attracted even more attention. Luo Bi glanced at it a few more times, but there was no other meaning. It was just fun to see through other people's thoughts.

Luo Bi brought a military limited edition sports car with her this time. Seeing this, Bai Juan also drove his own luxury sports car. They just like running sports cars, and others don't have this hobby.

Wu Cheng stuffed the snacks into Pei Yang's arms: "You and Luo Bi wait here for a while. Bai Juan, let's go and drive the sports car over."

Bai Juan took off his backpack: "Let's go!"

Luo Bi took Bai Juan's small backpack, and Bai Juan left with Wu Cheng.

There is a landscaped hill next to this place, with small waterfalls rushing down.

The midday sun shone down, and the stone walls were covered with green vines. The sunlight was very strong. Luo Bi, Pei Yang, and others were chatting in the space between Wu Cheng and Bai Juan from time to time.

Wu Cheng and Bai Juan drove back from the sports car and went straight to the school district dormitory apartment.

Luo Bi separated from Wu Cheng and returned to the Emperor Star after such a long time. Luo Bi was novel and unfamiliar. She smiled at everything she saw, such as that kind of pretentious woman.

Luo Bi just looked at it a few more times, this is fun.

The men in the academy generally come from either rich or noble backgrounds, and even those from ordinary family backgrounds are the elite among the Thunder Flame warriors. The women rely on their talent, and the beautiful ones have the advantage.

When several young Thunder Flame warriors looked over, Luo Bi smiled and looked away.

After putting away the sports car, Luo Bi walked upstairs with brisk steps. Jiang Zhi and Tong Yiting were not in the apartment dormitory, which was better. Luo Bi opened the storage bracelet and took out the ingredients she had brought.

This time Luo Bi brought a lot of fruit, more than ten kinds, and planned to give some to relatives and friends. But it's already noon now, so there's no rush to deliver things. Let's eat first.

Luo Bi moved boxes of ingredients and fruits to his kitchen. Wu Cheng, Pei Yang and Bai Juan then put down their things and asked Luo Bi to go to the restaurant to eat together.

After dinner, a few people chatted over drinks.

"Are you still taking a nap?" Wu Cheng asked Luo Bi.

"I'm not going to sleep anymore." The weather was hot and a cold drink was very refreshing. Luo Bi said, "I plan to send the fruit to some of the instructors. You can come with me!"

She wanted someone to accompany her.

Wu Cheng promised that Pei Yang would do whatever he wanted. Bai Juan smiled and said, "I haven't seen the orange spoon for a long time. I still miss it."

Luo Bi pouted: "It's so noisy."

Bai Juan said: "I just like Orange Spoon to make noise."

"My Wu Shao was away on a mission," Wu Cheng said, and then said, "I don't know what Wu Shao was thinking. He insisted on going on a mission and wouldn't come back with me."

No matter how coaxed Wu Cheng was, Wu Shao didn't come back.

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