Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2767 Interstellar Coin

Wu Cheng suddenly asked: "Luo Bi, will you go?!"

"I haven't had a serious class yet, and I have to practice again." Luo Bi nodded and complained: "Are you going to Zihuang Star? Has Zihuang Star conquered the territory? If we haven't conquered it, it will be useless for us to go."

This Xue Zhijiao knew: "We have defeated it, otherwise we would not have chosen the mission planet on the Zihuang Star. This time the academy has provided some equipment. The Bi Fei Sword introduces super powers, and talented people can also fight low-level alien beasts."

Most of the classes have missions, and the equipment is limited, so it depends on whether you have the ability to grab it.

Bishop Lin Yanchong has been competing with other classes for resources and equipment these days. Xue Zhijiao doesn't expect to get enough for use, but the aircraft must be prepared.

The academy does not provide spaceships and airships, so each class will find its own way.

Xue Zhijiao thought that the energy flowers and plants would no longer be planted, so he immediately went to arrange the aircraft.

Others continued to plant absentmindedly. If they don't plant, it won't work. If they don't plant them as soon as possible, the survival rate will be very low. Although Zhan Yi has raised energy flowers and plants for the college without spending interstellar coins, it will cost money to dig them if they don't survive. Star coins.

Orange Spoon was busier than anyone else. When he planted the energy flowers and plants, he slapped them hard with his little hands, which was called a very accurate shot. He broke the energy flowers and plants with one slap. Spoon was dumbfounded.

How can this be treated? The orange spoon looked at this and that.

Luo Bi noticed it, took a look, and put the rare energy flower upright. When she let go, it tilted again. It couldn't be put up anymore. Orange Spoon looked at it helplessly.

"Don't pat too hard in the future." Luo Bi told Orange Spoon.

Orange Spoon nodded: Okay, Spoon remembers it.

Luo Bi smiled when she saw its cute little appearance. Everyone had almost finished planting it and stopped working on it. Luo Bi dialed Fengling's message and asked about training on Zihuang Star. Fengling was on a mission on Qingyao Star, which was close to Zihuang Star.

After hearing this, Fengling started to think twice and went back to prepare food for Luo Bi.

At this moment, Lin Yanchong was in a very depressed mood. Every class had to go to Zihuangxing to practice, and the equipment and resources provided by the college were in short supply. He fought with others for a long time, and he was feeling angry.

They are all so obsessed with interstellar coins that he can't even calculate how many there are.

Fortunately, he also grabbed the equipment, but the quantity was limited, one jade sword per person. If there were more, they would be gone, not even spare ones.

In the afternoon, Liu Qin vacated the refining class and gave it to Lin Yanchong. Lin Yanchong approached the classroom and said, "As you all know, the planet for this mission is Zihuang. It is provided by the Equipment and Resources College. Once it is used up, the college will ignore it. Prepare yourselves.”

After Lin Yanchong finished speaking, the students in the fighting class had different expressions. They were naturally happy that the academy provided equipment, but considering the dangers of the undeveloped planet, they were a little worried.

No matter what everyone thought, Lin Yanchong opened the storage ring and took out the equipment and resources. Each person had a jade sword, and there was no extra energy liquid, elixir, or energy stone.

Orange Spoon also got a portion, otherwise he would have to jump up according to Spoon's temper.

This time is an experience and does not focus on collecting materials, so there is no need to be busy refining and extracting. Besides, how many resources can be obtained by refining and extracting immediately without making preparations.

Lin Yanchong sighed, there were too many classes for this training, and he had not been able to get the spaceship until now. It would be impossible without a spaceship. It would be difficult to fly there. If it really didn't work, Lin Yanchong planned to ask his family for help.

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