Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2788 Little Golden Ball

Luo Bi ran to Fengling. Fengling lowered his eyes to look at her and spoke to Qin Yilang.

If there were no energy golden balls and energy wooden balls this time, the red chicken monster would probably be robbed by the little fox beast. The Thunder Flame warriors made up their minds to pamper them well this time.

Jiang Yixin eagerly approached Luo Bi: "Luo Bi, make me a handkerchief ball!"

Luo Bi didn't say no, she said, "Don't you like baby beasts?"

Jiang Yixin: "······"

Qin Yilang took a breath. Not to mention the energy golden balls and energy wooden balls, even Luo Bi had not forgotten them. Think about it, Jiang Yixin still has a baby beast, and she can't coax it with an energy attribute ball.

Fengling looked indifferent, Jiang Yixin said: "I am not partial."

Luo Bi didn't know what to say. If there is a baby beast, there will be no energy attribute ball. Isn't it biased? Luo Bi didn't believe it, she hummed: "It's better not to say goodbye, you can raise the baby beast!"

Jiang Yixin stopped talking, but Fengling said, "We'll talk about it later."

Jiang Yixin said no more. The little fox beasts were withdrawn, and there were still some strange beasts that needed to be cleaned up. There were energy golden balls and energy wooden balls. The Leiyan warriors withdrew from the battlefield and went to the Rock Mountain garrison to count their prey.

Now the energy golden ball and the energy wooden ball stopped working. Why didn't they do any work and let them fight? The two energy attribute balls suddenly didn't want to fight. Little Yaya poked the little fox beast and played with it. For a moment. . .

Roger's eyes paused and he and Wen Xiao looked at each other.

Huh? Luo Bi was also confused, what was this for? ! !

Qin Yilang asked Fengling: "Lack of energy?!!"

Fengling was angry and funny, and didn't say anything. Soon everyone came to their senses. The energy golden ball and energy wooden ball were so passive and slow in their work. No matter how hard their eyes were, they could see that this was because they were dissatisfied and they didn't even fight anymore. .

Wow, the Thunder Flame warriors all laughed angrily. This formation weapon was refined. It was so awesome. He Yun and others carried their swords and went down the rocky mountain to fight with the energy golden balls and energy wooden balls.

The Thunder Flame warrior thought to himself, is this going to be bad? ! !

No, the energy golden ball and the energy wooden ball will no longer fight with all their strength. They will just poke it so perfunctorily that you can't say anything else. They fought and fought.

That’s it! Not trying your best.

He Yun and Wu Shao were speechless for a while, okay, let's just do it! Both the energy golden ball and the energy wooden ball have a little temper. Who made them not think about the little idea of ​​the energy attribute ball just now.

The energy golden balls and energy wooden balls are suitable for taking care of the little fox beasts. If they withdraw, you will be unhappy.

The Thunder Flame warrior wanted to laugh while fighting, and his mood was so complicated.

Wu Cheng looked at Luo Bi with a strange look, and Luo Bi was annoyed: "What are you doing?"

"The array you refined..." Wu Cheng didn't know what to say.

Luo Bi retorted: "You don't fight anymore, why are the energy golden balls and energy wooden balls still fighting? You have harvested supplies and don't give them to them."

Wu Cheng hurried to fight. Probably the energy golden ball and the energy wooden ball also thought the same. In this case, Wu Cheng also had to fight in order to get the two energy attribute balls.

Wei Zi was stunned: "..."

Is the array like this? ! !

He Xiang was shocked, and her eyes were blank. She had never seen such an array. Even if she turned on the spiritual array, she didn't have so much thought. The ones made by others were stupid. These two energy attribute balls were too Be smart.

Huang Xinling: "·······"

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