Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2790 The competition is over

Luo Bi didn't even want to see it, it was all unplanned.

Don’t you know what your equipment is? This is the time to claim credit, but it is undeniable that this battle also used equipment refined by other talented people. Therefore, everyone involved had a bright face and looked proud.

Wen Fei and the others chatted with Wu Shao for a few words to get closer to each other. The aristocratic families are intertwined, and the power of the Wu family cannot be underestimated. Wen Fei will naturally not let go of this opportunity to claim credit.

Wen Xiao was stunned for a moment: "Why did you come to Qingyao Star?"

Going on missions is really hard, and you can't stop showing off your beautiful face despite being exposed to the wind and the sun. Therefore, even the slightly capable talent bonders don't like to go on missions.

Of course, if you catch up with someone with a long face, you can't avoid it, and you must go on a mission.

Wen Fei declined this mission.

Wen Fei and Wen Yao paid attention to the battle situation on Zhihuang Star. They came to Qingyao Star very quickly, but Wen Xiao didn't expect it.

"I heard that the little fox beasts were snatching prey, so I came here..."

Wen Fei was wearing an elegant crimson gauze skirt, with gold and jade on her body. Her face looked carefully decorated. Compared with the talented people on the mission, her beauty was very eye-catching.

Just like the difference between those who farm and those who are pampered, those who are exposed to the wind and sun are completely different from those who wear beautiful dresses and grow flowers at home. Even if they are beautiful, they cannot withstand the wind and sun.

Zhang Wu'er rushed over and was outmatched. He unhappily pulled up his skirt to hide the jealousy in his heart.

What else to do?

If you show it, you will be looked down upon. No matter how unhappy you are, you have to hide it.

Zhang Wuer didn't believe that other people were not jealous. Compared with Wen Fei, who was from a noble family, she was just like Xiaojiabiyu. She was so angry that she wouldn't go on a mission next time.

Not only Zhang Wuer thinks so, but other talented people also think so.

Luo Bi didn't react much in this regard. She just thought about it and didn't care. She just thought it was funny. It was getting dark now and everyone was going back. Why were they gathering together?

Taking credit? That doesn't seem necessary.

It's not a mission for legion forces. Just sell well, but it's impossible to divide things. When the hunting team goes on a mission, no one needs the other, and they share the benefits at every turn. Why don't you just go ahead and have fun!

Not to mention, there is such a kind of idiot.

Wen Xiao over there listened to Wen Fei's words and nodded to show that he understood. Wen Fei asked with a smile: "Have you used the equipment I refined? I'm worried that I won't be able to help."

Wen Xiao said: "I used it, and the effect is very good."

Wen Fei smiled, lifted up her skirt and walked over to Wu Shao to talk. Everyone was in the same circle and knew each other well. Wu Shao finished arranging work for the guards and then turned his attention to Wen Fei.

"The equipment you refined is very effective." Wu Shao said.

The meaning of these words is unclear. You can take them as polite words, or you can take them as the truth. Wen Fei was confident that she was very talented, so she naturally thought that Wu Shao was praising her and smiled sweetly.

"That's good." Wen Fei behaved appropriately and said with a smile: "I heard that your Wu family was lucky this time. They hunted a red chicken monster and how many colorful crystals grew?! Can you give me a colorful crystal? Spar.”

Wu Shao chuckled: "The quantity is not much, let's try it next time!"

The smile on Wen Fei's face faded a bit: "Okay!"

We are all smart people, so there is no point in arguing. What a wealthy family wants is face, and talented people also want face. Wu Shao said it euphemistically, and it was not like Wen Fei couldn't hear it, so she was a little unhappy.

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