Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2795 No Promise

The ingredients contain nutritional energy, including delicious river fresh food, and the price is not cheap at first glance.

Luo Hang had never eaten such expensive dishes before, and he was reluctant to put down his chopsticks. This chopstick was not cheap. Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting only chose light dishes to eat, leaving delicious river delicacies to their children.

The rain is still falling, and there is a swishing sound in my ears. The raindrops are not big, but they are very dense.

Guan Zhuting picked up a piece of spicy fried river clam and after tasting it, she said: "The younger members of the clan also said they would come. Fortunately, they were not asked to come together. This table of food is not cheap."

"Who said they were coming?" Luo Bi asked. It was impossible for everyone to come, and she didn't say a treat.

"Tong Wan, let's have dinner together." Guan Zhuting looked down on Tong Wan very much. Tong Wan always asked for this and that from the family and took advantage. It would be strange for others to like such a person.

Hua Ran rarely comes to high-end restaurants to eat. When her mother and Luo Bi mentioned Tong Wan, she said, "Tong Wan is not a good person. No one talks about treating guests. He always likes to be treated. He lacks tutoring. If he knew that we When we eat at Guipinge, we have already come with you to share the meal."

In the past, Hua Ran would never mention Tong Wan, after all, he was not from the Luo family.

In the past few years, he has completely integrated into the family. There is no need to hide some words and remind the family to stay away from Tong Wan. This woman is not a good person at all and has too bad intentions.

Luo Bi is sometimes shrewd and sometimes too practical, but she can't suffer a loss.

"Fortunately, she didn't come. She always teased people to treat her. She didn't even ask for a treat herself." Luo Bi sneered, mentioning Tong Wan with contempt in her heart: "Just trying to take advantage is useless. She never treated me. Why should you eat me?"

There is no need to appreciate this carefully. The whole family despises Tong Wan very much. They do not follow the routine in their dealings with each other. They only want to be treated to dinner, and it is strange that he can be respected by others.

It's just for the sake of face, Tong Wan is shameless, and everyone doesn't know her as well, so even if Tong Wan has this kind of temper, the tribe won't care too much about her.

If you don't want to treat someone, just don't invite them. Tong Wan's teasing is useless.

In this way, Tong Wan didn't feel that it was not good-looking, and it was quite shameless.

Fengling was not involved in this, he was just a person who couldn't stand up to the table. He stood up and filled a bowl of delicious river soup, handed it to Luo Bi and said, "Eat more, the river soup here is delicious."

Luo Bi took a few sips of the soup and continued to eat spicy and delicious river delicacies. The more she ate, the more delicious they became. She couldn't help but think about eating these dishes next time. The dishes cooked in restaurants and clubs are just different.

Her family has no shortage of ingredients, but her cooking skills are poor.

"Don't pay attention to Tong Wan from now on." Luo Hang, a child of his own, warned him.

Luo Bi was convinced and nodded: "I ignored her. She seemed okay before, but now the more I look at her, the less she is a joke."

After hearing this, Fengling was happy to see this. The last thing he wanted was for Luo Bi to have people with such bad intentions around him. Fortunately, Luo Bi was not close to any of the clan members, so it was better to avoid having to worry about it.

At the dining table, the family was chatting. Roger, Lanze and others came back from a mission on Qingyao Star and also came to Guiping Pavilion for dinner. They heard that Fengling's family was also there, so they came over to chat.

Talented people like Jiang Qianran and Zhou Ya were exhausted and their clothes got wet due to the rain. After returning from a mission, they changed into a new set of clothes and dressed up before arriving at Guipinge Pavilion.

The talented people were tired and hungry, but they still did not forget to chat and network while eating.

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