Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2812 Bigger and rarer animals

When Fengling and Roger came over, Lieutenant General Mi Yue had not yet fainted.

It's no wonder that Lieutenant General Mi Yue is dizzy. He is a financial officer and the least likely to see good things. This was such a big surprise for him. Lieutenant General Mi, who was obsessed with money, was surprised and happy, and his mind was spinning very fast.

The sergeants were busy picking up the strange beasts, and all of them looked surprised.

The one with the best talent is Jiang Qianran, right? But Jiang Qianran didn’t hunt so many exotic beasts! Besides, it's not just about the large number. The Flame Duck Beasts are all second-level combat power, and there are also colorful exotic beasts, all of which are of top quality meat.

Roger, who took over from the military department, was not polite and picked out a small duck beast. Luo Bi took a look and also picked up a small duck beast. This kind of small duck has tender meat and is more delicious when made.

Fengling glanced at the little flame duck beast and picked another small colorful beast.

Luo Bi ran to Wen Xiao's supply warehouse yard again and counted the little native pigs. She dragged one. Luo Bi didn't care about the others. Whoever had the ability would get one.

Tang Shao and Luo Jie each had one. There were only a small number of piglets, so they all shared them.

Xun Laobao flew over as soon as he saw it. A small hand grabbed a pig's ear and dragged away two little pigs. Xun Lao grabbed the little native pig's ears, and the little native pig looked at Luo Bi.

Xun spoon: I need two spoons.

They all got a little pig, Luo Bi: "..."

I don’t blame Xun for asking for two spoons, but he chose a strange beast. But little did Lao Shao know, small native pigs are difficult to catch, and larger exotic animals are rarer.

Luo Bi looked at Tang Shao and Lieutenant General Mi Yue, and said to Xun Shao, "I don't care."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue couldn't coax them out after coaxing them for a long time, so he simply let Xun Shao drag the two little pigs. Tang Shao couldn't say anything. If it was a soup ladle, he could still say it, but Xun Shao didn't belong to him.

Yilan Xun’s military position may not necessarily require a little native pig, but Xun Xun’s spoon? If you want it, go for it! With the spiritual formation device turned on, you are like a child. How can you not rely on it? !

In Tang Shao's eyes, there is no difference between a spoon and a soup spoon.

Roger doted on the spoon even more and found a bamboo basket for Xun spoon to carry the little native pig.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue Duojing looked away and said to Luo Bi with a smile: "The military department of the material warehouse doesn't want it anymore, I'll give it to you."

Being able to pull things like this, Lieutenant General Mi Yue has the final say.

Luo Bi didn't want it, so Zhu Xingzhi took the little native pig and ate it at Luo Bi's parents' house in the evening. Luo Bi then said, "Why do I want this? Don't give it to me, I don't want it."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue said he didn't want Luo Bi, so he turned around and said to Fengling: "I'll have dinner at my parents' house tonight. I'll drag the little pig back and let my father clean it up."

Fengling nodded in agreement. Luo Bi liked to chatter. She was about to leave to see the sergeants busy and then noticed the excitement. While watching the excitement, she chatted with Lieutenant General Mi Yue.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue heard a few words and realized that so many strange beasts were blown up with spoons and disappeared. Lieutenant General Mi Yue felt distressed. The things Luo Bi refined were just like this. They were gone after one use.

Even if Lieutenant General Mi Yue had an idea, he stopped now.

Luo Bi turned to chat with Zhu Xingzhi about the mission and asked Zhu Xingzhi if he was going. Her thoughts come to her quickly and her mouth is never idle. It is not surprising at all to mention the mission.

Zhu Xingzhi said: "Are you going?"

The two agreed, and Zhu Xingzhi took the little pig and prepared to leave with Luo Bi. Zhu Xingzhi walked towards the sports car, and Luo Bi shouted: "Fengling, I'm home."

Luo Bi said and left happily with Zhu Xingzhi.

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