Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2836 She is so lucky

Little red chicken monster?

It's edible. Luo Bi didn't ask what she wanted to know, so she asked again: "Is there any use for the colorful crystal stones that the little red chicken monster has?"

Like the red chicken monster, it has colorful crystal stones. It can't be just to look good, right? !

Luo Bi wanted to know if the colored crystals on the little red chicken monster had a soothing effect, and how they were different from the colored crystals on the red chicken monster. Wen Xiao didn't mention the use of colored crystals.

"As long as it is a colored crystal stone, it has a soothing effect." Wei Jun was surprised that Luo Bi was interested in the little red chicken monster, and couldn't help but said: "Although the colored crystal stone on the little red chicken monster is small, it also has a soothing effect, even The soothing effect is milder, but the little red chicken monster is rare, and generally few people catch it.”

rarely seen? Robbie asked: "Have you ever caught it?"

Wei Yu choked: "..."

Wei Yu smiled and said nothing. He had never caught it before.

Wen Xiao said angrily: "Looking for trouble, the number of Little Red Chicken Monsters is small. It is rare to see one in the three major galaxies. Catching it is not as easy as challenging a Red Chicken Monster. The Little Red Chicken Monster has no fighting power. Look. It’s still the same as picking it up for nothing.”

Wen Xiao never dared to dream of such good luck. He picked it up for free, where could he find such a good thing.

Luo Bi picked it up for nothing! There were more than one, she laughed just thinking about it, she was so lucky!

"How many river fish have you caught?" After harvesting good things, Luo Bi started to compare to see who was better. She looked at Wei Yu and Wen Xiao and asked, "Are there any delicious river fish?"

If you have some delicious river food, maybe you can compete with her. If it’s just a small fish, let’s play with it! The nutritional energy of ordinary river fresh food cannot be compared with that of Little Red Chicken Monster.

Since arriving, the harvest has been meager. Luo Bi still asked this, and Wen Xiao pointed to her to look at it: "That's all, there are about ten kilograms of river fresh food. The only delicious river fresh food is one big red claw crab."

Luo Bi came up with the comparison herself, and asked Wei Yu and Wen Xiao with a smile: "Do you think I'm awesome?"

Wei Wei: “·······”

Wen Xiao paused and said: "······"

This tune? Fengling is not here, and neither is the Luo family. Who are you talking about? Wen Xiao was a little confused! I was thinking in my mind whether I should praise him a little or praise him a little.

Wei Bun was dumbfounded, but Luo Bi didn't look so out of touch!

Wei Yu coughed and chuckled: "You are awesome."

Wen Xiao immediately laughed. Luo Bi was happy after hearing this. This was what she was waiting for. When Wei Jun said she was amazing, she showed it to Wei Jun. Luo Bi didn't show it to Wen Xiao and walked over to the house with bamboo baskets in both hands. Next to Wei Yu, she wanted to scare him.

Luo Bi picked up the bamboo basket and said to Wei Yu: "I'm telling you, I caught the little red chicken monster. Take a look."

Wei Yu stopped laughing and looked stunned. He didn't move, obviously he didn't believe it. Unconvinced, Luo Bi turned around and faced Wen Xiao again. She couldn't scare Wei Yun and then scared Wen Xiao. It was always fun to scare people.

"Wen Xiao, I caught the little red chicken monster." Luo Bi did not leave, but held the bamboo basket for Wen Xiao to go and see for himself. Luo Bi was filled with joy after harvesting something good, and was waiting for Wen Xiao to see the surprise.

"Little red chicken monster?" Wen Xiao also didn't believe it, but he didn't see Luo Bi as joking, and he hesitated a little, not sure whether he should put down the weapon in his hand and go over to take a look.

Luo Bi didn't have the patience. She held the bamboo basket with one hand, opened the lid of the bamboo basket with the other hand and pulled out the claws of a little red chicken monster. If you still don't believe it, let me show you. Are you shocked?

Wei Yu turned his head and looked shocked.

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