Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2841 Very rare

Wen Xiao was just happy and didn't notice Luo Bi's curse. There was just such a small open space. The two of them were busy for a while. Wen Xiao and Luo Bi threw the two small red chicken monsters, one big and one small, into the bamboo basket. .

"Baji" threw it in, knocking the entire little red chicken monster into a daze.

Wen Xiao didn't have time to stop him, and his heart ached with pain: "Be gentle."

Luo Bi: "······"

"Don't you want to eat?" Luo Bi asked.

If it is food, what will happen if it is dropped? Besides, the energetic little red chicken monster just has no fighting power. If you catch it, you can pounce on it. If you throw it, it will be honest.

"Eat." Wen Xiao choked and said angrily to Luo Bi, "This little red chicken monster is very rare."

Luo Bi came up and said: "You won't die if you fall, but you will be energetic after eating dried radish."

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Wen Xiao glanced at the little red chicken monster in the bamboo basket and said nothing else. In fact, it didn't matter if the little red chicken monster fell. It was just too rare, and Wen Xiao was too concerned about it.

Wen Xiao had no time to think about anything else, so he quickly found another open space.

Wen Xiao dug this open space, but the place where Luo Bi found the Little Red Chicken monster was gone. Luo Bi ignored Wen Xiao and got up to look for the empty space where the Little Red Chicken monster was.

Luo Bi visually measured the distance between the bamboo forest and the Flood River, and had other ideas in mind. She didn't have time now. She would go look for ginseng insects later.

Damn, she's been playing for so long, let's be tough.

Luo Bi looked for it and marked it. She looked at it and found that Wen Xiao was obviously too busy. Luo Bi ran back and said to Wen Xiao: "I'll call Wei Yu and ask him to come and catch the little red chicken monster. "

Wen Xiao nodded: "Wei Yu is very powerful, so we can let him come over."

Luo Bi caught eleven little red chicken monsters and no one cared about them. Their troubles were no longer certain. There were people from Zhanjia's hunting team nearby. Wen Xiao also thought it would be better to let Wei Yu come over.

Luo Bi called Wei Yu, who was surprised: "Should I go too? Are there so many Little Red Chicken monsters?" Before Luo Bi could speak, Wei Wei asked again: "How many Little Red Chicken monsters have you caught? ?”

Luo Bi said happily: "Eight of them."

Wei Yun paused while picking the fresh food from the river, and his heart beat a little faster. Without him, Luo Bi and Wen Xiao had only been there for more than half an hour, and they actually caught eight little red chicken monsters.

Wei Yu was surprised: "I'll go there right away."

Luo Bi dialed the communication number for Wei Yu, and then dialed the communication number for Hua Ran. Hua Ran was not on a mission. Seeing that the weather was hot, he went to the yard under the vines, sat on a chair and ate nutritious fruits.

Hua Ran lowered her eyes and saw that it was Luo Bi's communication, so she picked it up.

"Brother, come to Cuizhuxing." Luo Bi originally wanted to give it a try, but she didn't say she felt uncomfortable and said to Hua Ran, "Wei Yun, Wen Xiao and I went on a mission and found something good."

Hua Ran was slightly surprised: "Did you find something good?"

Luo Bi hummed and smiled, okay, Hua Ran knew there was a surprise.

Hua Ran stood up, took the key to the hover car, and walked towards the hover car: "I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the communication, Luo Bi did not call Fengling. They went on a mission together to catch some. Tell Fengling, Lan Ze and Leng Lie already know, who cares about them! It's not like we went on a mission together.

Don't Lan Ze and Leng Lie still not want to take her on a mission? Even if she takes Zhang Wuer and Feng Zihui with her, Luo Bi won't take them to play, so everyone can play their own way.

Don’t covet anyone else’s.

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