Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2859 Array Equipment

Zhu Xingzhi said: "Anything is fine."

As long as it's an array device, children don't have to choose.

The corners of the mouths of Mr. Zhu and the clan elders twitched. They all noticed that the children had a good relationship with Luo Bi. Luo Bi's refining is so mysterious that you really can't choose. You choose? I don’t know what will be refined yet.

"Actually! I don't know what to refine." Luo Bi didn't have a prototype in her mind. She said she was refining an array, but what kind of refinement was it? ! You still have to use your brain to think.

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew for sure, don't expect it, maybe you won't be able to refine the array.

"Luo Bi, can you share half of the energy liquid?" Zhu Xingshao asked. Zhu Xingshao and Luo Bi had to discuss how to divide the energy liquid extracted by Luo Bi.

Luo Bi's eyes swept across the energy liquid: "You can take your jade stone, you don't have to share it with me."

Zhu Xingshao looked at Luo Bi's face, then smiled, put away the energy liquid and said, "Okay, I want it."

Mr. Zhu and the clan elder did not interrupt their conversation, stood up and left, discussing how to go about the mission. When going to undeveloped planets, you must always prepare some energy liquids and elixirs, and equipment is also essential.

Zhu Xingshao had enough energy fluid and calmed down. He chatted with Luo Bi sometimes and not at all. Zhu Xingzhi went to the kitchen area for a long time and came back with a plate of fruit. The fruit was not big, but it was a nutritious and energy-rich fruit.

Mrs. Zhu saw it, found the Puwu fruit, washed it and served it to several people. Puwu fruit is very expensive and is a luxury fruit. Mrs. Zhu was reluctant to eat it as a gift, and Zhu Xingzhi couldn't even find it.

Mrs. Zhu washed them all and took out the plant melon seeds and candies. Mrs. Zhu smiled and said to Luo Bi: "These are top-grade plant melon seeds. They are not bad compared to river melon seeds. I taste them very delicious. You can try them." , the fried ones are so crispy and fragrant.”

Luo Bi was not very interested in nutritional and energy fruits, so she grabbed a handful of plant melon seeds and ate one. The aroma of the crispy fried melon seeds spread in her mouth: "Well, it's quite delicious."

"White coriander also eats melon seeds from this plant." Mrs. Zhu compared white coriander with white coriander. Women who can give birth naturally eat the most expensive ingredients: "You can eat more if you like it."

Luo Bi was stunned: "River melon seeds have high nutritional value!"

Bai Zhi can give birth to children, although it will take another three hundred years, but who knows? Maybe it won't take three hundred years to grow if you cultivate it well. Plant melon seeds can't be compared with river melon seeds!

"Where to get it? River melon seeds are not that easy to catch." Madam Zhu glanced at Luo Bi and said: "There are many good ingredients to eat. Occasionally, you can adjust the taste by eating other things."

Luo Bi snorted, okay, Baiji is different after all.

Is Zhang Wuer still fighting with Bai Xian? Let’s have some fun!

Luo Bi and Mrs. Zhu chatted so enthusiastically that they sent Zhang Wuer to an undeveloped planet. Zhu Xingshao looked at the terminal and said, "Luo Bi, when do you plan to go on a mission?"

Luo Bi looked over, and Zhu Xingshao said: "Don't you want to refine the array?"

Luo Bi: "······"

Mrs. Zhu stopped the topic, and Luo Bi stopped playing. She got up and left, preparing to go home to refine. Zhu Xingshao reminded her just now to refine. Luo Bi still remembered it. She said to Zhu Xingshao: "I don't want to refine anything anymore, so I will give it to you." Make a milk bottle."

She was playing enthusiastically, and she was reminded to refine it. If Luo Bi didn't refine a milk bottle array for Zhu Xingshao, who would refine it for Zhu Xingshao?

Mrs. Zhu: "······"

Mrs. Zhu couldn’t stop laughing.

Zhu Xingshao: "······"

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