Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2861 Earn interstellar coins

The next morning, Fengling asked: "What do you want to refine?"

"Milk bottle array." What she wants to refine is a milk bottle array. Luo Bi doesn't know what it will be. The same formula and heat will cause the furnace to explode.

Fengling was startled and laughed. Luo Bi looked at him. Fengling took her military uniform jacket and went to the military headquarters.

Fengling didn't even bother to ask Luo Bi if she liked children. It would be pointless to ask, so she might as well not ask. Since Luo Bi married him, it was impossible for her to have children in this life. If Luo Bi didn't mention it, Fengling wouldn't ask.

Luo Bi thought for a moment and put aside the problem that the Thunder Flame Warrior should worry about. There were plenty of S-level and above strong genetic Thunder Flame Warriors without children, so she didn't need to worry about it.

Luo Bi hesitated whether to refine it or not. Before she could make up her mind, Wei Zi ran over.

"You're not going to the military headquarters today?" Luo Bi was surprised.

"I'm tired and don't want to go." Wei Zi said to Luo Bi, "You refined the furnace. Zhang Wu'er and the others all talked about you. I got angry and didn't want to talk to them."

Luo Bi thought about it and didn't care: "I won't refine it anymore."

"Why not refining?" Wei Zi had never been so unhappy with Zhang Wuer. He was disgusted in his heart and said, "What happened to the refining furnace? They also exploded the furnace while refining."

Luo Bicai didn't care about others and sighed: "Blow up the furnace, I don't want to refine it anymore."

"Blow up the furnace?" Wei Zi muttered, "Use a small fire!"

Still talking about Wei Zi, Luo Bi changed the subject: "I'm going on a mission, will you go?"

"Didn't you just come back?" Wei Zi said, "You still have to go on a mission?!"

Wei Tzu's fight was in vain. Luo Bi didn't care about Wei Tzu, so she called Wei Tzu. Wei Yu was at the military headquarters at the moment. In the afternoon, he went to the dungeon to buy old ginseng grass. Seeing that it was Luo Bi's message, he picked it up.

Luo Bi asked him: "Wei Yu, are you and Wei Yu going on a mission? I want to go."

Wei Yu became more energetic upon hearing this: "Go, are you still going to Cuizhuxing?"

The little red chicken monster is rare and difficult to catch. You can just go around in a circle and maybe you can catch one or two.

"I haven't decided which planet to go to yet." Luo Bi had an idea and called Wei Yu. The mission planet had not been decided yet: "We will decide later. I will also ask Wen Xiao if he will go. The Zhu family's children will also Go, I haven’t asked Wu Cheng whether he can go on a mission."

Luo Bi asked someone to go on a mission. Wei Yu didn't say much, nodded and said: "Let me know when you have chosen the mission planet. Wei Yang is very powerful. Can I call him to join us?!"

Wei Yuan is not available, otherwise Wei Yuan would even call Wei Yuan.

Everyone from the Zhanjiang family was welcome to come. Luo Bi said, "It's fine if Wei Yuan is free." It would be better if Wei Yuan also went.

Here Luo Bi and Wei Yu hung up the communication, and Wei Wei quickly said: "I'm going too. My natural ability is not good. Working in the military department is better than going on missions to earn more interstellar coins."

After Wei Zi finished speaking, he left: "I'm going to get busy."

Luo Bi sent Wei Zi off and then dialed Wu Cheng. Wu Cheng heard that she was going on another mission and smiled: "Which planet are you going to?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Luo Bi didn't hide it from Wu Cheng. She said to Wu Cheng: "I caught the little red chicken monster. Wen Xiao, Wei Wei and I divided twenty of them. I also want to go to the future." The development planet is going around, are you going to go? If you don’t go, forget it.”

Wu Cheng was shocked, and then said excitedly: "How can I not go? I'll go!"

"Then just bring Five Spoons to Zhihuang Star." Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Cheng said: "My spoon won't follow me."

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