Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2863 Galaxy

Luo Bi dialed Wu Cheng, thought about it, and then dialed Pei Yang and Bai Juan.

Bai Juan said, "What are you doing?!" He said in a milky voice.

"Going on a mission?" Luo Bi asked, and then said, "Call Pei Yang."

Bai Juan and Pei Yang discussed it and both agreed to go. The hunting team didn't like taking children on missions. Bai Juan and Pei Yang preferred to go on missions with Luo Bi than with the hunting team.

The children all said to go, Luo Bi hesitated and said: "Wei Yu and I went on a mission to catch the little red chicken monster. This time we also want to catch the little red chicken monster. You try to prepare as much equipment, energy liquids and elixirs as possible. .”

Luo Bi asked Wu Cheng to prepare the equipment, energy liquid, and elixir. Luo Bi didn't have any of these, so he could only prepare for whoever went on the mission. Later, Luo Bi would have to call Huang Xinling and Bai Kai.

Luo Bi has a good relationship with the child, but how much equipment, energy liquid, and elixir the child can produce depends on their family.

The more effort you put in, the more materials you will receive. This is the case in the three major galaxies.

Don't think about picking it up for free, no one is used to this problem.

"I may not be able to catch it, I just want to try my luck." Luo Bi reminded the children, don't think that you can catch the little red chicken monster with equipment, energy liquid, and elixir. That is not necessarily the case.

Little red chicken monster?

Pei Yang and Bai Juan were stunned. They had never seen such a monster since they were children. Luo Bi ignored it and hung up the communication.

The nearby undeveloped planets are mainly Zihuang, Qingyao and Cuizhu. Someone from Blazing Star also went on a mission and captured a group of little red chicken monsters on Cuizhu. I don't know if there are any more.

Those who have been caught will not go away.

There are too many hunting teams and mercenary groups on missions on the planets Zihuang and Qingyao. Luo Bi doesn't want to join in the fun, so she can go to Qingyao and Zihuang to catch river fish, forget about the little red chicken monster.

Luo Bi thought of the Green Bamboo Star next to the Green Bamboo Star. The Green Bamboo Star's planet area was relatively small, and if there were good things, you could drag them around. Luo Bi thought about it in her mind and called the head of the Huang family. The head of the Huang family, Luo Bi, didn't mention the little red chicken monster, so she asked Huang Xinling if she had any missions.

The head of the Huang family said: "Call Huang Xinling."

Rather than scheming with other talented people, the Huang family leader is more happy to see Huang Xinling and Luo Bi have a good relationship. At least Luo Bi will not cheat Huang Xinling. It is hard to say about other talented people.

"Wu Cheng, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan are also going." Luo Bi brought up equipment and resources again. She said to the head of the Huang family: "Ask Huang Xinling to bring more equipment, energy liquids, and elixirs."

As for the reason? Luo Bi doesn't say anything, let the Huang family head make the decision himself!

The head of the Huang family was surprised. He was not stingy at all. Since Luo Bi mentioned it, the head of the Huang family had enough equipment, energy fluids and elixirs, so he evened some out and gave them to Huang Xinling.

Luo Bi called Wen Xiao again. Wen Xiao was moved and asked: "Which planet are you going to?"

"Let's go to Qing Yao Star." Luo Bi said, go to Qing Yao Star to catch a bunch of river fish. If there is no river fish, then go to Green Bamboo Star to see if there is a little red chicken monster: "There is a flood river in Qing Yao Star, let's go to catch river fish."

Everyone else was catching river fish, and Luo Bi also wanted to catch river fish.

Wen Xiao smiled: "When will we leave for Qingyao Star?!"

"Can you prepare more equipment, energy liquids, and elixirs? The danger level of Green Bamboo Star is very high, right?!" Luo Bi didn't wait for Wen Xiao to speak. Everyone knew the danger level of Green Bamboo Star, and Luo Bi said again: "If we can't catch the river fish, we will go to the Green Bamboo Star to see if there are any little red chicken monsters."

In short, I still want to go to Qingyao Star.

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