Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2882 Tang Shao

The small blue and white porcelain spoon array weapons were divided into two groups. When the Leiyan warriors came to their senses, they had no choice but to divide their troops into two groups.

Hua Ran, Wei Yang, and Wu Cheng walked toward the bamboo forest, and the small spoon array device just "swooshed" disappeared. It was an array device, so it couldn't be lost. Array devices were rare.

Is this the direction the spoon is flying? It’s a far cry from scooping blue crabs.

Where are the blue crabs? Where are you flying?

None of the Thunder Flame warriors know what to say about the spoon that Wei Yu introduced the supernatural power to.

Wu Cheng scolded: "You said that my orange spoon and my spoon can both count. Even if the little spoon array introduced by Wei Yu is not smart, it can't be so different?!"

Hua Ran and Wei Yang didn't say anything. Wei Yang attacked forward and the spoon array ran backward. What else can you say about it? You can still call it clever if it has intelligence turned on, but this spoon doesn't have intelligence turned on? ! !

Running towards the rear? It made Hua Ran, Wei Yang, and Wu Cheng look confused.

Luo Bi took one look and ignored it. Wen Xiao's spoon flew towards the other side stupidly. Wen Xiao and Wei Yu didn't know what to do for a moment. Fortunately, Luo Bi reminded them, and they worked together to hold the sword and control the spoon. Pull back.

The little spoon was stunned, and even the spoon was dumbfounded.

Luo Bi was depressed, but no one could do anything if the small spoon array didn't come back. Tang Shao was leading a team on the other side of the river to use a small basket array to catch river fresh food. When he squinted, he saw a small spoon array flying over here.

Tang Shao was startled. He waited for the small spoon array device to fly closer and raised his hand to stop the spoon.

Wen Xiao and Wei Jun breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew their jade swords. Luo Bi said to Wen Xiao, "You are really capable."

The corner of Wen Xiao's mouth twitched, could he do it or could the spoon do it? He had already picked out the blue crabs, but the small spoon array device with the array function turned on would not attack and just ran towards the other side of the river. What could he do? !

"The little spoon array that I used to introduce the superpower is still there." Wei Yu raised his feet and walked towards the bamboo forest. Wen Xiao's little spoon array that introduced the superpower was blocked by Tang Shao, so there was no need to worry.

Another small spoon arrayer? Mom, where did you go to play?

Wen Xiao was angry and funny, and then followed up: "Two spoons and arrays, each busy with his own thing, it's really good."

Said that all this was in vain, Luo Bi hurriedly trotted to keep up. Various trees grew in the mountain forests of the undeveloped planet. This area was dominated by bamboo trees and green bamboos. The small spoon array was small in size. At a glance, there was no spoon.

Hua Ran, Wei Yang, and Wu Cheng looked for it with wide eyes, but couldn't find the spoon.

Wu Cheng grinned. Several of them looked at Wei Yu's attack and lost their spoons. Thinking about it was very depressing. Wu Cheng said: "Where did Wei Yu attack?!"

Hua Ran and Wei Yang moved their mouths but said nothing. Needless to say, Wei Yun was not stupid, so he naturally attacked the blue crabs in the river.

Wu Cheng was at his wits end. The spoon array was so small and difficult to find. Wu Cheng ran to call Zhu Xingshao, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan. A group of children came running and looked for the spoon array in the bamboo forest.

The children looked up and scattered and climbed up the tree.

The younger ones pull at small trees, pull leaves up and down trees, and shake branches.

I couldn't find the small spoon array device in the tree, but I did pull out several birds. What's the use of it? The children scratched for a while, and the birds in the area were so noisy that they couldn't leave, and flew to other places with their wings flapping.

Luo Bi looked at it and said, "Is there a Jieyu bird?"


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