Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2886 Wen’s Little Fireball

Roger was also surprised. He was happy in his heart. When the ladles brought back the blue crabs, they praised them so much that they made them dizzy and brought back more blue crabs.

Roger was overjoyed and Orange Spoon came over: Orange Spoon is good.

How Roger cherishes the orange spoon! Looking at Orange Spoon's cute appearance, how can one say that Orange Spoon is too evil-minded? With a smile in his eyes, Roger nodded and said "Yeah".

Orange Spoon happily went to catch river freshness again. After struggling for a long time, he caught a small red claw crab. The little red claw crab was not big. Orange Spoon brought it back to Roger. Orange Spoon is great!

Fengling called Wen Yao over with a message, and the Wen family's little fireball also happily came to Qing Yaoxing.

Wen Yao led a team of guards and got off the hover car. Wen Yao was stunned when he looked at the small spoon scooping blue crabs on the river. He turned his eyes and saw a pile of river fresh food in front of Roger, and couldn't help but smile.

He Yun smiled and said: "Interesting, right?!"

Wen Yao nodded with a smile on his face.

At the military logistics side, the small basket array caught more delicious river fish. Wen Yao's eyes widened in surprise. It took him a while to recover, and he excitedly picked up a small blue and white porcelain spoon.

Wen's little fireball tugged, this one didn't work, it poked at the promising one and wanted this one.

Wen Yao had no idea, so he picked up the small blue and white porcelain spoon picked by his little fire ball. Roger looked at the sky and saw that there were not many blue crabs on the river, and they would probably be caught soon.

The small basket array is very good at catching delicious river fish, and the small spoon array is used to scoop out the river fresh food. The number of blue crabs caught is not large, but it should not be underestimated. Roger has all kinds of calculations in his mind.

Wen Yao didn't import the superpower, so he went back and picked up the small blue and white porcelain spoon, and Wen's little fireball poked it, this one, this one, it wouldn't work if Wen Yao didn't rely on it, okay, Wen Yao went to introduce the superpower again.

This one can't import superpowers. Wen Yao went back and picked it again. Wen's little fireball pulled the blue and white porcelain spoon in the cauldron. The little fireball was a little confused. What's going on? !

Wen Yao looked at the little fireball: "You picked it."

The Wen family's little fireball was confused. All the spoons picked were good, but they couldn't import superpowers. Wen Yao smiled and picked a handful. Wen's little fireball picked it up and took a look. That's it!

Wen Yao picked it, and Little Fireball thought it would work, so he introduced the superpower.

Wen Yao's mouth twitched: "..."

All the blue crabs from the garrison were scooped back. Qin Yilang, Fengling, Wen Xiao, Wei Yu, Tang Shao, and He Yun removed their powers and loaded up the spoons refined in the furnace to collect supplies from other river sections.

Mrs. Zhu, Mrs. Huang and others were busy picking out delicious river delicacies with the sergeants. He Xiang, Huang Xinling, Wei Tzu and Bai Rui each had a pot of river melon seeds and picked out river clams and clams.

Huang Xinling watched the combat team leave and pouted: "Is the little spoon array device ready for use?!"

Wei Zi glanced at it: "Can it be used?!" She didn't know either.

He Xiang didn't answer. Bai Rui looked at the faces of several people and continued to pick river clams and clams. Zhu Xingshao's group of children were full of energy and carried river fresh food one by one. They were all happy.

Luo Bi thought about eating. Zhu Xingshao and Wu Cheng brought the delicious river fresh food back. Luo Bi carried a small basket and picked out the big red claw crabs and jumping shrimps. She picked them once, and Mrs. Zhu and the others picked them later.

When Zhu Xingbao saw that they were all delicious, he pursed his lips and smiled: "These delicious river delicacies are delicious."

What Luo Bi picked was delicious. After listening to the child, she said, "I'll pick more and eat to my heart's content."

Mrs. Zhu: "······"

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