Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2888: There's still more to come after the explosion

Wen Yao soon led the team back, and the kitchen area became busy.

After the ingredients were brought to the table, Fengling, He Yun and others led the team back. There were dozens of blue crabs to come back, none of them were big. After Lieutenant General Mi Yue counted them, they loaded them onto the spaceship and transported them back to Zhihuang together with the delicious river fresh food. star.

At the dinner table, the Lei Yan warriors talked about the array. The small basket array was very powerful. The small spoon array was used to scoop out river fresh food. Naturally, it was not as good as the small basket array that caught river freshness in baskets.

"The array you refined likes to explode. It won't explode after just one day of use, right?!" Wen Xiao finally saw the benefits of the array, and while he was pleasantly surprised, he felt a little unsure about the energy of the array.

Roger and Qin Yilang mentioned it. They also wanted to know. Among other things, they valued the small basket array, which was used to catch delicious river fish in baskets.

There is also a small spoon array device, which is extremely powerful in combat.

Luo Bi was stunned: "If it explodes, I still have it."

Whether it is a small basket array device or a small blue and white porcelain spoon, she has refined a lot of them, but she has to choose whether the blue and white porcelain spoon can activate the function of the array device. The small basket array device looks happy, so she does not let others use it.

Do it again after the small basket array explodes! There are still Leiyan warriors, Lan Xun's small basket is not used yet, and there is Qin Rong's.

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Qin Yilang: "······"

He Yun: "·······"

Fengling smiled and gave the meat of the roasted red claw crab to Luo Bi. Luo Bi had a panoramic view of the expressions of the Thunder Flame warriors and ate her crab meat without caring. She also had many small baskets and small blue and white porcelain spoons. .

The red claw crab is highly nutritious and energy-rich, so there is no one who doesn’t like to eat it. Li Feng put a lot of effort into making it. The crab was baked until it was crispy and everyone had no time to talk when it was served to the table.

Zhu Xingbao was full. The child held the grilled crab and grinned happily: "The delicious river food is so delicious. The grilled crab has a lot of meat and contains energy."

Zhu Xingsu served a piece of grilled blue crab and asked Zhu Xingbao: "Do you want to eat grilled blue crab?"

Zhu Xingbao said: "Eat."

Everyone had a great time eating delicious river delicacies and grilled exotic animal meat. After dinner, the sergeants continued to be busy catching delicious river delicacies with small baskets, and senior officers discussed military affairs together.

Luo Bi was unable to participate, so she ate river melon seeds and pondered the refining process. She had not yet refined any useful equipment for the children. She planned to use freshly picked refining materials such as spiritual plants and medicinal plants.

However, there are many hunting teams and mercenary groups on missions in Qingyao Star, and many of them are powerful. How can we compete with other hunting teams and mercenary groups to grab spiritual plants and medicinal plants?

The Thunder Flame Warriors discussed the Thunder Flame Warriors. Luo Bi went to Wu Cheng, Zhu Xingshao and the others. When she told them that the refining materials were lacking, the children all said they would go to the forest together tomorrow.

It was agreed here, Fengling gave Luo Bi more than a dozen bottles of energy liquid and elixir.

"I asked Wen Xiao to go with you." Since the combat team has the small basket array and the small spoon array, they will no longer go hunting in the mountains and forests. Fengling is worried about Luo Bi and a group of children.

Wen Xiao? Luo Bi said: "Isn't Wen Xiao busy?"

How can that be done? But Fengling said, "He's not busy."

Luo Bi said: "It's okay to let Wen Yao come with us."

Fengling thought about it, and the next morning after dinner, Wu Cheng, Zhu Xingshao and a group of children took bamboo baskets and small baskets. Wen Yao and Luo Bi led the group, and the group set off for the mountains.

Wen Yao looked at Luo Bi and a group of children, and the corner of his mouth twitched, just spinning on the edge. The children could hardly use their eyes in the mountains and forests.

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