Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2895 Oh my god

Luo Bi, hehe, what does the planter grow? Have fun while you're at it.

It’s not surprising that the high-grade nutritional fruit can soothe the restless strong genes of the Thunder Flame warriors. Wen Yao and Wei Yu were stunned for a long time, and Luo Bi’s mental power detection was simply awesome!

At this time, Wen Yao and Wei Yu finally understood why there were no more powerful alien beasts. It was not that high-grade nutritional fruits did not have the energy to attract alien beasts with high combat power.

Instead, high-grade nutritious fruits attract pheasants, winged rabbits, and rare mushrooms. Who would have thought of this? Otherwise, the hunting teams and mercenary groups wouldn't all be grabbing the fifth-level spiritual plants.

Level five spiritual plant?

Let others grab it! Wen Yao and Wei Yu are no longer interested.

The two of them came back to their senses and were overjoyed. With the high-level nutritional red fruit, who would care about the fifth-level spiritual plant? Not only did Wen Yao and Wei Yu not care about the fifth-level spiritual plant, they were also worried that other forces would come to snatch their high-level nutritional red fruit.

Those grown on undeveloped planets belong to whomever grabs them. High-grade nutritional red fruits are more coveted than fifth-level spiritual plants.

"Your Jiao Didi's talent is so good, it's better than other talents." Wei Jun excitedly walked to the largest red fruit tree, took the bamboo basket and prepared to climb up the tree.

At this time, the rain was a little heavier, and it was pouring down.

Luo Bi laughed angrily: "My talents are not squeamish."

Wei Yu smiled and said nothing. His natural ability gave him a headache when he used it, but it was fine when he didn't use it. If this isn't squeamish, what is squeamish? !

Wen Yao took out the bamboo basket from the storage ring and climbed into the red fruit tree next to it.

Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong, a group of children caught pheasants and ran over, and their eyes widened immediately.

Zhu Xingzhi was stunned for a moment. The child turned around with a grin and hurriedly ran to call his cousins. Oh my god, there are high-grade nutritious red fruits growing here. There are several red fruit trees.

Luo Bi also wanted to pick fruits, and she was willing to do this job. She opened the storage bracelet and threw it out of the step ladder. Luo Bi stepped on the tree, and the leaves were covered with rainwater, which was annoying.

Wu Cheng, Zhu Xingshao, a group of children and the guards stopped catching pheasants and rabbits. They ran over and saw the high-grade nutritious red fruit tree. Their expressions were dumbfounded. When they came to their senses, they were all excited.

Level 5 spiritual plants are not as rare as high-grade nutritional fruits. Spiritual plants require a talented consort to refine them into elixirs before they can be used. This high-grade nutritional red fruit does not need to be refined and can still soothe strong genes.

Everyone climbed up the tree one after another and picked the fruits with all their hands and feet.

Wen Yao, Wei Yu and others moved very quickly. Before the rain started to fall heavily, they picked the red fruits from several trees and poured one piece into two baskets, not two big and red baskets.

Even though they are high-level nutritional red fruits, there are quite a few that are unsightly.

The Leiyan warriors didn't care whether they looked good or not, as long as they could appease the strong genes. Wei Buzzard took half of his guards and carried two baskets of red fruits back to the camp. The others didn't leave, and there were still winged rabbits and pheasants that he hadn't caught.

Feeling refreshed, Wen Yao led the team to explore the mountain forest and caught twenty pheasants, eleven winged rabbits, several baskets of mushrooms, leaves and wild vegetables.

You can pick this up when you go back, but I don’t have time now.

When Wen Yao led the team back to the camp, it started to rain heavily after a while.

At this time, the small blue and white porcelain spoons can no longer be used, but the small basket array is still so powerful. The harvest of delicious river fresh food is very gratifying, and Lieutenant General Miyue is very happy.

Mrs. Zhu, Xu Yi and others fried river melon seeds and gave them to everyone as snacks.

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