Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2994 How good this kid is

Luo Bi had no intention of refining, so she put away the cauldron and ran to the hill again.

Luo Bi is very idle. It's not that she has no work to do, it's mainly because she can't settle down. She lacked nothing, so she was naturally not in a hurry. If ingredients were in short supply, she would make them quickly without anyone telling her.

She has no shortage of interstellar coins or ingredients, and she also has array equipment. What is she busy with? Damn, she doesn't care about refining and extraction.

When the rain fell from the sky, Guan Zhuting had not finished cooking the ingredients, so Luo Bi went to Zhu's house during this time. The rain is not heavy, and the pattering does not prevent us from going out to visit the house.

Mrs. Zhu is busy cooking at home, the Lei Yan soldiers have all gone on missions, and the children are not at home either.

Mrs. Zhu smiled and said, "Luo Bi is here. Let's have dinner at my house at noon."

Luo Bi shook her head: "No, my mother has cooked, but it hasn't been finished yet."

"Then eat at my house." Mrs. Zhu said.

"I just came back from the main house." Madam Zhu didn't ask, so Luo Bi kept talking to Madam Zhu: "Luo Wan, whom the family values, is going on a mission to an undeveloped planet. All the clan members are here, so there's nothing wrong with me."

Mrs. Zhu knew something about the Luo family, so she asked, "Didn't you stay to eat?"

"I won't eat from them." Luo Bi was not surprised.

Luo Bi refused to eat, and the female relatives of the main house didn't really want to stay. It had always been like this in the past. Mrs. Zhu didn't know what to say to this. Luo Bi was such a good kid, but she didn't know how to coax her.

At the family gathering, each family subconsciously compared the ingredients with each other. Mrs. Zhu asked: "What kind of ingredients do they make? Are there many nutritional and energy ingredients? The price of exotic animal meat is not low nowadays."

"Almost all are ordinary ingredients." Luo Bi was disdainful. The tribesmen there liked to talk about others, and Luo Bi was not used to it: "Foods with nutritious energy are also low-grade and low-grade ingredients. But you are stingy, I won't eat them."

Luo Bi was pampered, Fengling asked her to eat well, Mrs. Zhu nodded: "It's okay not to eat, the nutritional energy contained is not very high, there is no need to stay to eat and let them value Luo Wan."

Luo Bi hummed and smiled, she wanted to see how capable Luo Wan was.

Luo Bi and the Zhu family got closer, and Mrs. Zhu's words were directed toward her.

After chatting with Mrs. Zhu for a while, Luo Bi was about to leave: "I'm going home."

Mrs. Zhu asked her to eat at my house.

Luo Bi refused to eat. At this time, the rain was getting heavier and the ground was completely wet. Luo Bi raised her head and looked at the intensity of the rain. Then she raised her feet and ran home in a gust of wind. Mrs. Zhu only sent people to the door.

Mr. Zhu walked out of the house and asked Mrs. Zhu who came back: "Why is the child Luo Bi gone? We don't let her eat at our house, and there is a winged rabbit at home."

"She won't be eating at our house." Mrs. Zhu also planned to pack up a winged rabbit for Luo Bi to eat, but after Luo Bi left, the winged rabbit would not be taken away.

Mr. Zhu didn't say anything else. He looked at the rain and went back to the house.

When Luo Bi returned home, the rain became heavier. Guan Zhuting brought the ingredients to the table and said, "I'm back."

Luo Bi nodded, washed her hands and went to eat at the dining table.

Luo Hang also sat down. Guan Zhuting still had a few dishes that were not brought to the table, so she went to the kitchen area to bring them. She put the grilled red claw crab in front of Luo Bi, and also pushed the spicy fried river clams and river clams.

Luo Hang saw this and said nothing.

At the dinner table, Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting stared at the fried vegetables, leaving the delicious ones to Luo Bi. Luo Bi looked at it several times, and Guan Zhuting noticed it, smiled and also ate fried river clams and clams with small peppers.

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