Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2998 She still has it

Hua Ran missed him, and Luo Bi was also wondering whether to set up the formation first or go to Qing Yao Star as well.

As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, all the major military forces have gone hunting on Qingyao Star, and it seems unreasonable to leave them alone. Actually, Luo Bi has always disliked hunting and joining in the fun, so she kept mumbling about how great it would be to make a fortune.

But let’s do it! Luo Bi had the idea of ​​​​suppressing talented people.

"There is a wave of alien beasts in Qingyao Star. Are there many hunting teams?" Luo Bi asked Hua Ran.

Hua Ran knew everything and said: "There is a combat team stationed at the base."

Luo Bi was confused: "When?!" Why didn't she know?

Hua Ran knew Luo Bi's temper, so she didn't have any extra thoughts. She only cared about what she cared about: "Feng Zixun's 10th combat team, as well as Lan Ze, led the team this morning."

Speaking of this, Hua Ran saw Luo Bi's interest and said more: "The hunting teams and mercenary groups from other aristocratic families have also gone to Qingyao Star. No one dares to make plans for the big wave of alien beasts. Waiting for the battle Once the tide of powerful alien beasts passes, they can intercept and kill them from behind, so they can gain quite a bit."

Are you all going to kill the strange beasts?

When Luo Bi heard that others had gone hunting and had harvested a lot, she immediately thought of Luo Wan's harvest this time. At this thought, Luo Bi couldn't stay any longer. She glanced at the rain and became energetic.

"Mom, I'm home." Luo Bi shouted into the house.

Hua Ran was stunned: "Wait until the rain subsides before leaving."

"I don't." Luo Bi planned to drive the sports car back. She was like this, and things belonged to whomever they owned. She had a sports car and never cared about other people's flying tools.

She also tried her best to drive her own sports car when it rained. She was too bored to drive a sports car. If she had known it was raining so hard, she would have driven a suspended sports car. No one wanted to get wet in the rain.

Guan Zhuting walked out of the house: "Oh, it's raining a lot. Hua Ran, please send her back."

Luo Bi couldn't wait a moment, so Hua Ran had no choice but to drive the hovercar. Guan Zhuting discussed with Luo Bi: "Can't we go when we are younger?"

Luo Hang also walked out of the room. Luo Bi said: "I plan to go on a mission and go home to refine it. My brother said that many hunting teams and mercenary groups have gone to intercept the small beast tide, so I will go too."

Speaking of this, Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh: "Whatever you say, I want to pick out a few exotic beasts with delicious meat and hunt them back. Don't buy ordinary ingredients at home yet. I won't buy them until I can't hunt them."

Hua Ran drove the hover car over and asked, "Do you have equipment, energy liquid, and elixir?"

Luo Bi: "······"

"I'll go back and refine some equipment. If it doesn't work, let me use the little spoon array." Luo Bi has many methods. If this doesn't work, she will use another one. If the other one doesn't work, she still has it.

Go home and refine.

After getting on the hover car, Hua Ran slowly changed direction and asked, "When will you refine it? Should we wait together, or should we go on a mission with the Zhu family hunting team first?"

Heavy raindrops hit the car, and Hua Ran frowned: "It's raining heavily, why don't you leave later."

Luo Bi didn't want to, she was still in a hurry to go home and refine it. She wouldn't refine it at her parents' house: "You wait for me for a long time, go to Zhu's house, and I'll ask Zhu Xingshao and the others if they will go on a mission to Qingyao Star with me. "

When they arrived at Zhu's house, Zhu Xingshao and others had gone to Qingyao Star early.

Mrs. Zhu said: "Come back in the evening and I will ask them to call you on a mission."

Luo Bi said: "Forget it, I'll go home and refine it."

Luo Bi returned home, and Fengling and the first combat team also went to Qingyao Star.

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