Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3010 Imperial Pig

Luo Bi also laughed and said to Wei Bun: "They don't have imperial concubine pigs."

The imperial concubine pig is a monster with level 7 combat power. Even the powerful Leiyan warriors who don't have array weapons and formation disks dare not fight against it, but they managed to intercept and kill one.

None of them are piglets.

The guard bunting grinned, and then they visited one station after another. Some of the talented people had already fallen asleep. When asked about the exotic animals they were hunting, there were dozens of them.

No wonder the mission is so complicated. It turns out there are many strange beasts to hunt.

However, Luo Bi also discovered that the team that gained more had more injured members. Everyone was rushing to get the elixirs and prepare energy liquids, and the battle was very fierce.

Feng Zixun's fourth combat team is relatively powerful among all combat teams. Jiang Xi'er and Xue Ya are both in this combat team. Luo Bi went to Yang Yu's team to visit, and Jiang Xi'er also went together.

At this time, the team members took the elixir and left. It was unlucky to come, and it caused some chaos when they got closer.

When Feng Zihui saw them, she said hello. Jiang Xiner took out a bottle of low-level elixir and gave it to the combat team members. The sergeant was stunned for a moment, and then happily sprinkled it on the injured team members.

Feng Zihui came over and asked, "Why are you here at this time?"

It was already very late now, Jiang Xinger said: "Let me see how you harvested it? How many alien beasts were intercepted? The alien beasts behind are very powerful and difficult to deal with."

Feng Zihui counted: "There are about twenty strange beasts."

"Luo Wan's team and Lan Heng's team have gained a lot." Jiang Xinger mentioned Luo Wan and Lan Heng, and then asked Luo Bi who came with them: "Your team came late and harvested a few strange beasts."

Luo Bi didn't hide it either. When Jiang Xinger asked how many there were, she just said, "Five."

Jiang Xie'er inquired about others, and Feng Zihui didn't think much and asked, "How many strange beasts did your team harvest?"

Jiang Xi'er replied cleverly: "We didn't count."

Jiang Xie'er didn't want to say anything, so she was perfunctory. Luo Bi said, "Very good. Fortunately, she didn't mention that she had harvested a imperial concubine pig. With the milk bottle array, she must have been able to kill a few imperial concubine pigs."

Inquiring about other people's things but not talking about your own, what the hell.

Feng Zihui also said sincerely: "I'm free right now, I'll go and count."

Jiang Xiner was embarrassed: "It's getting late, let's do it tomorrow!"

Feng Zihui immediately understood what was going on. She made some guesses in her heart and became a little unhappy, her face drooped. Feng Zihui usually looks angry, but this makes it even worse.

Luo Bi couldn't stay any longer and said quickly: "I'm going back first."

On the way back, Wei Bun said: "That Jiang Xinger is too ill-intentioned. When she asks others, she doesn't tell her own questions."

Luo Bi was convinced: "She treats others as fools."

"Let's go back quickly!" Wei Bun said anxiously: "Maybe we killed another imperial concubine pig."

"Let's go," said Robbie.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and a strong wind blew. Luo Bi and the Bunting started to trot. The ground was full of water. After running for a few steps, the two of them stopped running.

Wei Bun thought of the imperial concubine pig and said: "Luo Bi, you said that there were too many imperial concubine pigs killed. Can I share a piece of imperial concubine pork? I heard Zhu Xingbao said that imperial concubine pork is delicious."

Can you not give it to the general's family? They still had to coax them to go on a mission together, so Luo Bi said, "With your cousin Wei Yu, your imperial concubine's pork is indispensable."

"Really?" Wei Bunting became happy.

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