Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3014 Don’t care

The next morning, it was still raining.

In the early morning, Wei Yu and Hua Ran got up and went to Wen Xiao's supply warehouse. Wen Yao and Luo Jie also arrived soon after. Fengling also had to prepare breakfast for Luo Bi, so she arrived a little later.

"Aren't you up yet?" Roger asked Fengling. He was talking about Luo Bi.

Fengling replied to him: "I went to bed late tonight."

Roger said: "It's quite late." He didn't say much else, because Luo Bi wouldn't let him play with him.

Luo Bi's natural ability cannot be used, but she is lucky and has a good brain, so she can always figure out good things. There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't want to accept it, just coax it. We can go on a mission together next time.

When Luo Bi got up, she heard that the Luo family's hunting team had killed a monster and asked the tribesmen to go over and have a good meal.

Luo Bi didn't want to go, but she looked out of place every time she didn't go, and Luo Bi didn't want people to have any ideas. After getting up, washing up, and putting on a fairy dress, Luo Bi dialed Fengling.

Fengling was busy at the material warehouse when she saw Luo Bi's communication and picked it up: "Get up."

Luo Bi said "Yes": "My cousin's hunting team hunted a monster and asked him to have a good meal. I will join in the fun. If there is no good food, I will come back."

Fengling said: "Wei Bun said he wanted to play with you."

"I'll talk to Wei Bun." Luo Bi hung up the call and called Wei Bun.

Wei Bun stopped looking for Luo Bi and agreed to play together when they had time.

Luo Bi looked at the sky outside, drove a limited edition sports car to her parents' house, and spoke to Guan Zhuting before going to the main house. At this time, the main house of the Luo family was extremely lively, with everyone touting how powerful Luo Wan's refining and extraction was. Luo Yan was very unconvinced, but it was hard to say anything.

Luo Wan is still on an undeveloped planet, so only her tribe members are there.

As soon as Luo Bi left, Tong Wan looked her up and down. After Luo Bi sat down, he said, "When did you buy your clothes? I think they are the new ones for the season and the price is not low."

Tong Wan cared too much about others, so Luo Bi smiled and said, "I bought it in early summer, but I haven't worn it yet."

Tong Wan probably knew that Luo Bi didn't like being touched, and only looked at it with his eyes. He subconsciously touched the jewelry on his waist, his face changed, and he said with a smile: "You and Luo Yan are the same, you are also refining, and so is Luo Wan. Refining, see how good Luo Wan is, he went on a mission with the team, and even hunted a monster."

Tong Wan was not polite at all, and Luo Yan's face was even worse. She was looked down upon by others when she was with talented people. She was even criticized at home. Luo Yan sneered: "I can't compare to you. I don't have to do anything all day long." , It’s such a comfortable life.”

Luo Bi doesn't compete with others for her quick words, but Luo Yan doesn't take offense. This is an accusation against Tong Wanlan.

Not to mention, Tong Wan is really lazy.

When Luo Bi goes on missions to undeveloped planets, she always likes to run around in search of good things. People who don't know say she is lazy. Luo Bi knows whether she is lazy or not, and doesn't care.

As long as she can find good things, Luo Bi doesn't care what others say.

But Tong Wan is different! She is a lazy person. She knows how to eat and play, but she can't see a lot of work. Can Tong Wan not know what others think of her? Luo Yan rudely shouted back, and she immediately lowered her face.

Luo Bi sneered, hey, she also knows that there are some things she doesn't like to hear, so don't say them to others! She always likes to talk about others. She can't stand it when others say it. What the hell!

Luo Yuan and others reconciled: "Let's go see that monster."

Everyone became interested and got up and left one after another.

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