Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3017 You have to keep silent to get rich

Patriarch Luo looked at Luo Bi, and then Luo Bi said, "There are flaming duck beasts and moo beasts."

Luo Qing was surprised. The Flame Duck Beast and the Moo Beast were both exotic beasts with high combat power and good meat quality. However, his hunting team only hunted one, and they were not willing to take it back for the tribesmen to eat.

Patriarch Luo's face was calm and he nodded: "Have you encountered any monsters during the interception?"

Luo Bi: "······"

Jiang was still old and hot, Luo Bi smiled: "I met the imperial concubine pig."

Patriarch Luo was stunned for a moment, glanced at Luo Bi, and thinking in his mind, Luo Bi stopped beating around the bush and simply said: "The imperial concubine pig is not very powerful, so we were lucky enough to intercept it."

Patriarch Luo's hand shook, and Luo Qing was shocked: "You have intercepted the imperial concubine pig!"

Luo Bi glared at him: "What are you talking about?"

"No, it's did you kill a pig?" Luo Qing was surprised and happy. When they were hunting, they only saw the pig running around and picking up a few small golden balls as if they were treasures. , nothing else.

When Luo Bi said that he had intercepted and killed a royal pig, it would be strange for Luo Qing not to be excited.

Hearing the commotion here at the dinner table, he ran over and asked who had hunted the imperial concubine pig. Luo Bi was a little impatient, so Luo Qing said so. At that moment, the expressions of Zhan Hui and others changed.

Zhan Hui touched his face. Damn, it hurts. The slap came too fast!

He didn't like Luo Bi's coddling, so this woman came up and brought him a royal pig.

Their combat power is so strong that they haven't hunted a single imperial concubine pig in the past few days. It's not that they don't have any, but they don't dare to mess with them. They can't beat the imperial concubine pig with its fighting strength.

The juniors of the Luo family also felt a little unhappy. The aunts had deliberately arranged the meals on this hill. Only those who were valued by the family were served. They didn't care about Luo Bi, but they hunted the imperial concubine pig.

Several juniors immediately became enthusiastic about Luo Bi and asked her to go to dinner together.

Luo Bi refused without thinking: "I'm talking to my great grandfather here."

Luo Yuan was in a complicated mood and asked hesitantly: "Sister Luo Bi, how much of the imperial concubine's pork will you share with our hunting team?"

This Luo Bi had to make some detours. Luo Bi was also a judge of people. There was no need to talk about the concubine pig to Luo Yuan. Luo Bi said, "I don't know about that. They gave it to my brother Hua Ran."

"I'm injured and haven't healed yet. Let Hua Ran give me some!" Luo Yuan turned to everyone and said, "After my talent has been raised, I can improve it to a higher level. Maybe I can refine a few more bottles of elixirs and elixirs." Energy fluid.”

The imperial concubine's pork is naturally a good thing. When Luo Yuan said this, everyone nodded and felt a little excited. If they could also share a piece of the imperial concubine's pork, their fighting power might be more stable.

"Don't think about it." Luo Bi poured cold water on her unceremoniously: "Someone in the hunting team has a strong gene and is injured. The imperial concubine's pork is closely tied to them. My brother can't share much. My brother doesn't have enough to eat himself. There is no extra to share."

This basin of cold water poured down everyone's enthusiasm, and they immediately stopped thinking. Luo Yuan was still a little unwilling: "I'll ask Hua Ran later. I just want a small piece to supplement my talent."

Luo Bi was a little angry. She said it was not enough and wanted more, so she just said it and had to make a fortune in silence. Look, how many people fell in love with her when she mentioned the imperial concubine pig. What do you think the old Patriarch Luo is asking about?

Luo Bi complained, and Patriarch Luo was also helpful and sent Luo Yuan away with a few words.

Later, Luo Yan also came to ask for imperial concubine pork. Her brother needed the nutritional supplement most.

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