Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3049 Return to Zhihuang Star

Luo Bi watched the Thunder Flame warriors move the strange beasts, and suddenly realized that things should not be mixed together.

She had snatched the strange beasts before and could share them equally with the people who went on the mission. However, the strange beasts brought back by Jiang Yixin and Wei Yang belonged to the combat team. If they were mixed together like this, how would they be divided? !

Jiang Yixin got off the spaceship and hurried to the main battlefield.

Luo Bi ran over and asked, "How can we divide it if we put it together?"

Jiang Yixin paused and explained: "Your hunting team will be divided into parts on the spaceship. Those who will be brought back later will not be left alone. The admiral will send another spacecraft to transport the exotic beasts."

Luo Bi said "Oh", knowing it in her heart and just not getting involved.

A combat team member with a low military rank who participates in a battle can probably divide ten kilograms of exotic animal meat after the battle.

At this time, the sky darkened, and each legion merged with the strange beasts, with fireballs and water swords flying together. The little fox beast was shuttled among the waves of strange beasts. It was probably addicted to picking things up, and its eyes were red.

Roger had no choice but to give Jiang Yixin a high-end storage device: "Here, use this high-end storage device to collect the alien beasts. The distance is short and the energy loss should not be large."

Wei Yang had some free time and joined the battle.

Jiang Yixin took the storage container, quickly opened it, and collected the three strange beasts into the storage container. In order to preserve as much energy as possible, Jiang Yixin ran back to the rocky mountain to release the strange beasts without waiting any longer.

Soon, a bunch of strange beasts were placed on the rocky mountain.

Luo Bi looked at it, mainly the Flame Duck Beast, followed by the Moo Beast, and other exotic beasts mixed in. The meat quality was not as good as that of the Flame Duck Beast and the Moo Beast, but the alien beasts had refining materials. It's also valuable.

Jiang Yixin didn't care about anything. As long as they killed the strange beasts, they all moved back.

During the battle, the ground shook and there were sounds of fighting everywhere. At night, the light dimmed, but the temperature remained the same, still a bit hot and dry. It was estimated that there would be a rain soon.

The battle ended at eight o'clock in the evening, and the combat team members retreated to the rocky mountain.

There were many injured people. He Xiang hurriedly took out the elixir. Luo Bi didn't know how to refine the elixir and was helpless. Fortunately, Fengling and Qin Yilang discussed going back, and when the wind picked up, the hunting team boarded the spacecraft.

Twenty minutes later, the spacecraft arrived at Zhihuang Star.

The spaceship flew to the First Legion's material warehouse and descended. The Thunder Flame warriors moved the alien beasts off the spacecraft one by one, with a bit of hot wind blowing and the trees swaying.

Luo Bi and He Xiang stayed together and watched the Thunder Flame warriors busy. Luo Bi asked, "How to divide the meat? Have you collected the portions? Some people like to eat duck meat, and some like beef. You can only divide the meat after cleaning it."

He Xiang smiled and said, "I also like to eat beef."

Fengling came over, took off her military uniform jacket and put it on Luo Bi: "We will go back after the supplies are divided."

"Aren't you going to take out the strange beasts?" Luo Bi asked Fengling again.

"There are a few that need to be taken out, but it's getting late, so we'll take care of them tomorrow." Fengling saw that Luo Bi was anxious to go home, so she said a few more words: "We don't need to take out the ones we shared."

Luo Bi grabbed enough for each person, and the rest were six exotic beasts that Jiang Yixin brought back. It was difficult to divide the six animals. These had to be sorted out to determine how many kilograms of meat each person would get.

Everyone who could be divided was divided, one for each person. He Xiang was very excited. She divided a flaming duck beast. Luo Bi was even more happy. The cow was given to her, as well as a flaming duck beast. Hua Ran also got a flaming duck beast. These were enough to last for a while.

Everyone was very happy, took the supplies and went home.

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