Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3052 There are interstellar coins

Luo Bi wanted it all, but she didn't know if two hundred thousand red pincer crabs was expensive.

Luo Bi remembered eating at the garrison base. A native crucian carp cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. The red claw crab was big and contained high energy, and one should cost 20,000 yuan.

When I saw the red claw crab, several people gathered around and started haggling over the price.

"Two hundred thousand dollars is too expensive. Cheaper."

"The stall over there only sells one for hundreds of thousands. If it's cheap, I'll take it all."

"Your crab has a level two combat power, which is a bit lower, and the nutritional energy it contains is also low. You can't sell it for 200,000 interstellar coins, but 150,000. I'll take all the 150,000 interstellar coins, and you." That blue crab.”

Several people were on guard against each other while bargaining. If the price could not be lowered, they would buy one for 200,000 yuan. It was better than not buying one at all. The ones elsewhere were not as high-grade or as big as these ones.

The sergeant hadn't taken out the blue crabs yet: "Don't sell them if they are cheap. These are good things."

Luo Bi was a little anxious and disliked others trying to snatch it from her, but Wei Bun pulled her and whispered: "A big red claw crab only costs 200,000 yuan. The price is not cheap. Don't buy it."

Luo Bi is wealthy: "I have interstellar coins."

Wei Bunting was stunned for a moment, then leaned forward to bargain with the sergeant: "We are interested in your big red pincer crab. I won't give you 150,000 interstellar coins, let's pay 190,000!"

When the several stewards nearby heard this, their faces were full of displeasure. Why is this child so ignorant? They offered 150,000, but the child came up and offered 190,000 interstellar coins, beating them all.

The sergeant said: "I only sell it for 200,000 interstellar coins. I don't have to worry about selling the crabs. I don't worry about not being able to sell them."

Luo Bi was worried about being snatched away and lost her patience: "I bought all five of them. Pack them up for me! Where are your blue crabs? Take them out and let me see how big they are and what their combat power level is."

The sergeant started packing the big red claw crabs, but the stewards were not happy: "What did you buy? Why did you grab them while you were talking? I want all five of these big red claw crabs."

"What are you trying to rob? Why don't you give us one evenly?" said another steward.

The guard bunting didn't care about this, and started to help the sergeant pack the red crabs. The green crabs were poured out of the bucket. When the stewards saw that the big red crabs were gone, they immediately grabbed the blue crabs.

"How many interstellar coins do you have for this blue crab?" a steward asked.

The guard bunting said fiercely: "We bought it."

Luo Bi quickly asked: "How many interstellar coins?"

The sergeant knew what he was thinking and replied: "Do you want one 400,000 Star Coin? You want one piece to pack it up for you."

Four hundred thousand interstellar coins are quite expensive. The manager said: "This blue crab of yours is only a first-level combat power. It doesn't take much effort to catch it. The energy contained in it is not as good as that of the red pincer crab. Four hundred thousand interstellar coins are expensive."

There is no need to worry about selling blue crabs, and the sergeant is too lazy to talk nonsense to each other.

Luo Bi's heart skipped a beat: "I bought it, put it up for me!"

The guard bunting and the sergeant pretended to be blue crabs, and the child muttered: "Four hundred thousand interstellar coins are not cheap."

"Now that we are catching up with the tide of exotic animals, many hunting teams and mercenary groups have stopped going on missions. We have spent a lot of effort to catch them." The sergeant did not think it was expensive at all. Take it and carry it.

Luo Bi stretched out her hand: "I'll carry it."

"No, I'll take it, don't get your hands on it." Wei Bun said, "Are you still buying something? You've spent a lot of interstellar coins."

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