Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3055 Show off

As soon as the Luo family members arrived, Luo Bi stopped preparing for lunch.

"Hey, are you ready for some delicious food?" Tong Wan approached the spring, his eyes wandering around, not knowing what he was planning.

Luo Bi couldn't guess it. After all, Tong Wan was rare. It was raining, and there were not many sheltered places in the yard, so Luo Bi didn't follow her and only talked to a few aunts.

"My brother went on a mission yesterday, and the harvest was pretty good." Luo Bi told the Luo family, "My mother took advantage of the rainy day to pack it out, and I can eat it whenever I want."

"It's quite troublesome to clean up the river fresh food." An aunt glanced at it and said: "There seems to be a lot of river clams, enough for your family."

Luo Hang took the big red claw crab away. No one saw it at the moment, but the pot of river clams and crucian carp was eye-catching enough, and everyone in the Luo family gathered around to take a look.

Tong Wan joked: "Sister Luo Bi, let Hua Ran treat you."

She also asked people to treat her guests. This Tong Wan often asked people to treat her guests. Others were embarrassed and had to treat her. Some people just ignored her. It was just like this if she didn't treat her guests. Anyway, in Tong Wan's opinion, a meal was a profit.

This kind of person is not taking advantage enough.

When Hua Ran came out of the house and heard this, she ignored Tong Wan. She came over to chat with the Luo family and said to Guan Zhuting, "I went to distribute supplies. I probably won't be back at noon."

Tong Wan thought the Luo family had prepared delicious lunch, but she didn't believe what Luo Bi said. Now that Hua Ran had left, she would definitely not be able to prepare delicious food. She had good ingredients at home, so she had to eat them all at home.

"Look, I originally wanted to take advantage of your family, but we have no luck!" Tong Wan said in a stern tone, knowing that the Luo family wanted to make delicious food, and seeing that there were so many people in the family, she decided not to do it.

Stingy, who cares?

Luo Bi smiled and didn't answer. She didn't have enough food for her own family, so there was no need to feed it to the people with whom she was not close. Tong Wan is even worse. This woman won't say anything good to you even if she eats your food.

Tong Wan was probably unhappy, so he kept showing off how popular and popular she was. He went to Luo Yan's house and saw how Luo Yan entertained her, including eating shrimps and crabs.

Tong Wan smacked his mouth and almost drooled: "Luo Yan's fiancé is a capable man. He went on a mission to catch a few crabs and half a catty of shrimps. They were quite big and much more delicious than this kind of river clams. I haven’t even eaten enough, you don’t know how delicious it is.”

When the aunts heard this, they started talking about the food. This thing was extremely expensive, and they would not buy it normally.

"The fresh food in the underground city is very expensive. Nowadays, the price is on the high side. You can earn a lot of interstellar coins by selling it." The aunts are all people who live a simple life. The first thing that comes to their mind is that the ingredients are expensive.

"Luo Yan doesn't know how to sell. With her family background, there's no need to sell ingredients." Tong Wan didn't show it, but he said that you poor people can't imagine how rich people live.

Luo Bi heard it: "You too, if you don't have enough, why don't you ask Luo Yan for some, or let her treat you."

If Tong Wan doesn't like to be treated, then let Luo Yan do it!

"You know how expensive shrimps and crabs are." Tong Wan was a little moved by Luo Bi's words, but he still knew that Luo Yan would not give her shrimps and crabs. Luo Yan would not part with such expensive things: "Luo Yan said I would give it to her. I don’t have the nerve to ask for it.”

Luo Bi said: "What's so embarrassing about this."

Tong Wan deeply agreed, but still shyly said: "What are you talking about? It's not good to even eat and drink."

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