Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3080 Pick the Small One

The kids get excited.

Wealth is found in danger, even if you can't beat it, you still have to give it a try.

Hua Ran said: "Let's discuss how to fight."

The children nodded and wanted to discuss it carefully.

Luo Bi had already thought about it. She had thought about it in the morning. At this time, she took out five refined ropes from the storage bracelet and gave them to Hua Ran. Hua Ran caught them off guard.

Hua Ran looked at Luo Bi, the children also looked over, and Luo Bi said: "When the Flame Duck Beast is lured over, use a rope."

After saying that, Luo Bi made arrangements for herself. This is the edge of the mountain forest. The terrain is relatively open and can be opened up as a battlefield. If she is defeated, she can also evacuate immediately on the rocky mountain.

Hua Ran took the rope and thought about it. Zhu Xingshao took a rope from Hua Ran. He was also thinking about Luo Bi's words, tao Yan duck beast? How to trap the Flame Duck Beast is a problem.

Next to him, Luo Bi broke off a piece from a small green radish and handed it to Orange Spoon: "You and Yan Spoon will lure a second-level combat power Flame Duck Beast over. When it opens its mouth, stuff the small green radish into its mouth. Remember , pick the small Flame Duck beast, the combat power of the small Flame Duck beast is not high."

Zhu Xingzhi looked away from Hua Ran and looked back at the small green radish that he broke off. It was not a big piece. Fortunately, it was a good thing. It was best for catching the red chicken monster.

Whether it can reduce the combat power of the Flame Duck Beast is unknown. We will find out later in the battle.

Children will feel distressed if there are too many small green radishes to break off. If they can't hunt the Flame Duck Beast, it will be wasted.

Orange Spoon was afraid of being pecked by the millet bird and didn't want to go. Luo Bi said, "Orange Spoon, why are you so disobedient? I won't let you play with me anymore."

The children looked over and Hua Ran said: "..." The array device is so clever and quite disturbing.

Orange Spoon just likes Luo Bi. How can we play without it in the future? It took the small green radish and the flame spoon and went into the forest. It didn't know what the second level of combat power was, but it could tell the difference between the powerful Flame Duck Beast and the less powerful Orange Spoon.

Luo Bi told it to pick a small one, as the small ones do not have high combat power.

Orange Spoon and Flame Spoon discussed it and decided that the smaller one was easier to deal with, so they chose the smaller one.

As soon as the spoons left, Hua Ran and Wei Bun discussed how to set up the Flame Duck Beast. After struggling for a while, they became thirsty. While discussing countermeasures, they quickly replenished their fluids so that they could fight later.

Luo Bi listened and said impatiently: "What's there to discuss? Use the wings and feet, wherever you can."

Luo Bi never followed strategy, Hua Ran thought the same, there was no need to discuss.

Prepare the energy liquid and drink it when necessary. Save as much as you can.

Next, Hua Ran and a group of children stood ready. It was only one o'clock at noon, and the temperature in the mountain forest was relatively high. The children were a little nervous when they thought that they were hunting the flaming duck beast.

The Flame Duck Beast's territory was not far away, and soon, a small Flame Duck Beast ran over after Orange Spoon and Flame Spoon.

"It's coming, it's coming..." The child stared at the little flame duck beast in the distance and said nervously: "A small one."

"Level 2 combat strength." Zhu Xingsu noticed it and reminded him.

Luo Bi looked over from a distance. The little duck beast that the spoons had attracted was about three hundred kilograms. It didn't have much meat. It was approaching. Orange Spoon took the opportunity to stuff a small green radish into the mouth of the little duck beast. .

The corner of Luo Bi's mouth twitched, she was very satisfied with the orange spoon. She has always been stingy with this spoon, and she was also very stingy before she turned on her spiritual intelligence.

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