Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3100 Don’t eat

Luo Bi wouldn't say it was an energy fruit. Who could blame her for her poor eyesight?

Luo Bi looked at Luo Heng's mother. This person likes to take advantage, but she is not without merit.

Luo Heng's mother looked at her hand and saw that the fruit was not big. She smiled and said, "So small? The small fruits I bought are not delicious. Some are sour and some are very astringent. They are not as good as larger fruits."

This is because I didn’t realize that this was an energy fruit, and my knowledge was not very good.

Luo Bi was not sure whether the fruit was sour or not, but she still said: "It's not sour."

Others heard the noise and looked over. Tong Wan only glanced at the fruit and didn't take a fancy to it, but she looked at Luo Bi and was stunned.

Luo Heng's mother quickly waved her hand. She thought it was sour. She shook her head and said, "I won't eat it. This kind of fruit looks sour at first sight. I can't eat sour ones. The last time I went out to play, someone gave me a fruit to eat, but it was sour." .”

Luo Heng's mother covered her mouth and her teeth fell down just thinking about it.

She only eats the sweet ones, but not the sour ones. Luo Heng's mother never loses her temper. She was fooled last time, and she has a long memory. She will never eat sour fruits again, no matter who persuades her to do so.

If it was a nutritious fruit, she wouldn't mind it being sour, but how could Luo Bi give her a nutritious fruit? Thinking about it, it was impossible. Therefore, Luo Heng's mother refused to eat anything.

Forget it if you don’t want to eat it. Luo Bi put the fruit away and said, “Damn it, I didn’t give it away.”

Tong Wan stared at Luo Bi for a while and then said, "Have you used skin care products?"

Luo Yuan and others looked over, and Luo Heng's mother said without thinking, "No way, Luo Bi never dresses up. This girl is lazy, unlike you who spend a lot of time dressing up."

Luo Heng's mother is not blind, and she knows exactly what Luo Bi is like.

Luo Bi was about to curse. She suddenly dressed up today, and Tong Wan noticed it. What was there to care about? Luo Bi pretended not to remember, "No!"

Tong Wan didn't believe it. Although Luo Bi usually looked like a girl, today she always seemed to shine. She pulled Luo Yuan and said to Luo Heng's mothers, "Look, she is just dressed up."

What does this mean? Luo Bi laughed, Tong Wan couldn't stand her dressing up.

She didn't even bother to wash her face and use some skin care products. Is it worth letting people care so much?

Luo Yuan nodded, not knowing what to feel in her heart. Tong Wan looked at her again and again, but the aunts smiled and didn't seem to care. Everyone had different thoughts.

Luo Yan suddenly couldn't sit still anymore, got up and left with a complicated mood.

Luo Bi: "······"

She probably knew what was going on and smiled sarcastically.

As for how she looks and whether she is beautiful, there is no need to mention it. Luo Bi changed the topic to talk about something else, and asked Luo Heng's mother if she would eat the fruit. Luo Heng's mother was convinced and shook her head and said she wouldn't eat it.

Tong Wanwai was playing with a small optical computer on the sofa, looking like she was ignoring her. She also didn't talk to Luo Bi. Luo Bi was a little confused and listened to her aunts chatting.

Tong Wan got up after a while and walked away with Luo Jiao, and then everyone got busy.

Luo Bi didn't know why. When Tong Wan and Luo Jiao came back, she asked, "Is Luo Wan coming?"

Tong Wan didn't say anything, and Luo Bi was surprised, didn't he hear it? She asked again. Tong Wan fiddled with the small optical computer and sat on the sofa next to him. He talked to Luo Jiao, but still did not reply to Luo Bi.

Damn it, Luo Bi stopped paying attention to Tong Wan, what the hell is this?

Luo Bi felt that Tong Wan had a problem in his head and it was best to ignore her.

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