Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3103 Grab a few

Luo Huan was stunned, and the fruit in his mouth was almost gone.

Luo Huan can't be so generous now. His strong genes are not injured, but he doesn't need nutritious energy ingredients. The one Zhan Hui bought is dead, so it's not okay to do this with him.

Luo Huan calmly took it back from Luo Bi's hand: "This cousin bought it and will give you 200,000 interstellar coins."

Eh? At the same price, Luo Bi didn't want to sell it to Zhan Hui anymore. She changed her mind. Luo Bi changed her mind quickly.

Luo Bi looked at Zhan Hui and said, "My cousin bought it." She originally wanted to give it to him for free, but why did she have the nerve to ask for the interstellar coins? Luo Bi was quite embarrassed. She didn't send it out so early in the morning, but someone was actually snatching it here.

Zhan Hui was sure to win, and said without changing his expression: "One half a million interstellar coins."

Luo Bi became more energetic: "How many do you want?"

Zhan Hui was stunned at first, could there be more? This is a real surprise.

Guessing this possibility, Zhan Hui was more energetic than Luo Bi. He looked at Luo Bi with twinkling eyes and said, "I don't want any more. I'll buy you five high-quality fruits with high nutritional value and energy."

Luo Huan, Mrs. Luo, and Luo Yuan were all dumbfounded. Only then did Luo Yuan realize that this inconspicuous little fruit was a high-grade nutritional energy fruit. Luo Huan and Mrs. Luo did not expect that they would buy five instead of one.

High-grade nutritional energy fruits are expensive but not marketable, and there is no place to buy them even if you have interstellar coins. Five hundred thousand a piece is not a loss.

Luo Huan wanted it too. He looked at Luo Bi.

Luo Bi stood up and said cheerfully: "Just wait, I'll go home and see if there's anything else."

Whether this is still happening or not, Zhan Hui's heart is up and down, and Luo Huan is also unsure. With five high-grade nutritional energy fruits, the Thunder Flame Warrior can extend his life by almost a month. Eating too much is of little significance.

Let's put it this way, no matter how injured the Thunder Flame Warrior is, he can survive for an extra month.

As soon as Luo Bi left, Luo Yuan thought for a while and said, "Luo Bi doesn't have so many high-grade nutritional energy fruits, does she?!"

Zhan Hui ignored her. This woman opened her mouth to cheat. Luo Huan and Madam Luo didn't answer. Several Thunder Flame warriors and relatives from the clan came over, but Madam Luo sent them elsewhere.

Mr. Luo, the head of the family, saw Mrs. Luo coaxing people away. He walked over in surprise and asked Mrs. Luo, "What's wrong?"

"Luo Bi brought some high-grade high-grade nutritional energy fruits. Zhanhui wanted to buy hers, so Luo Bi went home and got them." Mrs. Luo frowned and said, "I don't know if there are any more. High-grade high-grade nutritional energy fruits are rare. .”

Patriarch Luo raised his eyebrows: "Let Luo Huan grab a few, we can't take advantage of our relatives."

Mrs. Luo hesitated: "Zhan Huiqiang's genes are injured, so he needs top-quality ingredients."

Patriarch Luo narrowed his eyes: "It's not like we won't sell it to him. It's unreasonable for him to take advantage of it."

Mrs. Luo nodded: "There are five nutritional and energy fruits, let's grab three."

Either don't take action, or you can't be soft.

Patriarch Luo was drinking tea in the flower pavilion without saying anything, teasing the baby beast. This baby beast was raised by Luo Huan. The whole family regarded it as a child.

Luo Bi went down the hill and called Hua Ran: "Brother."

Hua Ran left everyone behind and walked over. Luo Bi said, "Come home with me. I'll be back soon."

Hua Ran didn't ask any more questions, but she couldn't stand Luo Bi's talk. Hua Ran said to Hua Ran without asking, "Zhan Hui wants to buy my advanced nutritional energy fruit, five hundred thousand interstellar coins each."

Whether Luo Bi is on good terms with Zhan Jia, Hua Ran nods, the price is not low for 500,000 interstellar coins each.

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