Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3131 Can be planted

"He Xiang and Xue Ya come from aristocratic families, how can they not be pampered by the family?" Lan Qiao also felt hot, sat down to rest, and continued to talk: "You see, they are not that lazy."

Fan Yao sat down to rest, sighed and said, "Major Feng also spoils her."

The men are willing to pamper her, but they can't stand it and it's useless.

It's one thing for a woman to be pampered by her mother's family, but it's another thing to be pampered after getting married.

Fan Yao has never been pampered in her marriage. She is envious of Luo Bi and a little bit disgusted with her, but she is not as caring as Lan Qiao. Her own life is a mess and she doesn't care about others.

"When Major Feng got tired of it, she didn't even have time to cry." Lan Qiao curled her lips, thinking of the work in the field, and quickly stood up: "Zhang Wuer said he would take me on a mission, so I have to sort out the work in the field quickly."

The planting fields of the two families were next to each other. Fan Yao took a sip of water and stood up, thinking that she would follow Yang Yu on a mission. Rather than going to work, she would go on a mission to earn interstellar coins.

The next thing is whether to earn interstellar coins or not. What Fan Yao cares about is extending her lifespan. Feng Zihui is younger than her. Thinking about it makes Fan Yao gnash his teeth with hatred. Feng Zihui's life is much better than hers.

Qi Yan also needs to eat nutritious energy food. She can't care about Yang Haozhe. If she cares about Yang Haozhe, her family can eat her. They think she is not living up to expectations. What can she do if Yang Yu doesn't like her? !

Lan Qiao and Fan Yao hurried to the planting field.

Luo Bi made a blast. She was not in a hurry to continue refining. Instead, she washed the towel and put it in the sun to dry. Then she collected the dregs and ashes and put them away carefully.

What can be planted does not need to be collected by household robots.

The spiritual plants have all been processed. Luo Bi didn't care what kind of spiritual plants they were. She counted the trees and put them in the furnace. I don't know if they were the ones who refined the small basket array. If there were not enough spiritual plants, they could only blindly Refining.

Fifty spiritual plants are not enough for her.

Place the refining materials and guide the flame to continue refining.

After controlling the flame, Luo Bi made another pot of tea. She would drink it if she couldn't sleep at night, otherwise she wouldn't have the energy to refine it. She wanted to sleep now, okay? Obviously not very good.

Not only does she have a headache from refining, she also wants to sleep, which can make people mad to death.

The fragrant tea is not scented tea. It can really make people unable to sleep. Luo Bi put a little in it and took a sip after brewing it. It tasted so good that it was gone in just a few sips. No matter how much it was refined, she quickly drank it again. Went to get a cup of tea.

When the tea is drunk, the furnace will explode.

With a "bang", fifty spiritual plants exploded.

How can we refine it without the spiritual plant?

Luo Bi didn't want to go out to buy refining materials at all. After thinking about it, she still had two boxes of low-level jade stones and jade stones. She could still make a few furnaces by picking up the small spiritual plants on the ground.

Luo Bicai didn't care whether a few small spiritual plants could control a pile of jade stones and jade stones. She didn't have spiritual plants, so she could only make do with it. The jade stones and jade stones with various attributes were not bad in quality.

Zhu Xingshao knew that she was refining, and even brought a box of spiritual plants over: "They are all low-level spiritual plants, you can make do with them."

Zhu Xingshao put down Lingzhi and left.

Luo Bi was so capable, and things became lively next. One furnace exploded after another, and the noise from the furnaces was much greater than when there were many spiritual plants. The families of the nearby troops were stunned.

Luo Yan didn't go to the Emperor Star or the military headquarters these days. She was collecting jade stones at home. She was furious when she heard the sound of the furnace exploding. From the sound, she knew it was Luo Bi who was exploding the furnace.

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