Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3133 Shopping

Luo Bi sent Tang Shao away and came back to see Lingzhi.

This time, General Qi Lan was not stingy. He gave her a box of relatively high-level spiritual plants. There were all kinds of spiritual plants, and there were more than a dozen types. It was a solid box, but there was nothing she could use.

Luo Bi counted about fifty plants, including small spiritual plants.

The box of spiritual plants that Fengling sent back was also of high level and of different types. Each plant contained enough spiritual energy. It was a waste of time for her to refine it. Luo Bi dragged it aside.

It was only mid-afternoon, and Luo Bi was eager to continue refining. She was very energetic at this time, but Lingzhi took them out one by one, and it was enough before she was finished.

After several hesitations, Luo Bi stopped refining.

She was sleepy and crawled into bed to sleep. She drank tea and couldn't fall asleep. It was easy to say that there were many interesting things. Luo Bi opened the small optical computer to choose a skirt.

Beaded skirts are popular this year. The beads swayed when walking, which was very beautiful. Luo Bi was also interested, so she picked out several dresses and spent a lot of interstellar coins.

She earned it herself, and no one could care about it.

Fengling came back in the evening and went up to the large balcony. The man put down his military jacket and looked up to see the towels hanging to dry. Fengling was surprised. Fengling glanced at the things in the refining space and did not move.

In the bedroom, Luo Bi shopped on the bed using a small optical computer.

"Come back?" Luo Bi glanced at Fengling.

Fengling said a low "hmm", walked to the bed and sat down. She cast her eyes on the small optical brain. Luo Bi immediately told Fengling: "I bought several skirts. They look good in them."

Fengling didn't care. After buying the skirt, she still needed boots and the like. Fengling and Luo Bi browsed the high-end stores on Xingwang. If they saw a good style, they bought it.

Luo Bi: "······"

Good guy, he can spend more Star Coins than her.

However, Luo Bi was still very happy to buy something she liked. Then she lost interest in browsing the Star Network. Fengling lowered her eyes and said, "Wen Yao got good ingredients, do you want to eat them?"

Luo Bi was not used to eating from other people's houses and shook her head: "I don't want to go."

Fengling followed Luo Bi, and the man got up and went out. He came back with a bag of nutritious snacks and a small box of small blue crabs, which were not big and suitable for roasting.

Fengling arranged dinner while Luo Bi went to clean up the refining space.

The hunted level four flaming duck beasts had all been eaten. Fengling devoted himself to nourishing Luo Bi's body and extending his life, so he was very attentive to the ingredients. He said hello to Wen Yao and Roger, and Wen Yao had good ingredients. They will keep it for Fengling.

Wen Yao and Luo Jie would sometimes ask Fengling to come over to eat. Luo Bi didn't want to go, so Fengling stopped going. Instead, they would bring back the ingredients and cook them at home. The taste was not as good as the chef's, but the ingredients were of higher quality.

Leng Lie had a good relationship with Wen Yao and Luo Jie. For Bai Xian, Leng Lie would also tell him that if there were good ingredients left for him, Wen Yao and Luo Jie would consider them and eat them as much as possible.

Luo Bi likes to eat river fresh food, but she doesn’t eat too much. She stopped after a few grilled blue crabs.

Luo Bi couldn't sleep at night. Fengling asked the person in her arms, "What's wrong?"

"I'm drinking tea." Luo Bi replied to him.

Fengling was silent, hugged Luo Bi, opened the small optical computer, dialed a message for Zhan Yi, and bought some scented tea. Scented tea does not hinder sleep, and fresh petals are good for the body.

The next morning, Fengling went to the military headquarters early in the morning, and Luo Bi got up to eat and continue refining.

With Lingzhi in hand, Luo Bi was busy blowing up the furnace all morning.

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