Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3161 Everyone is playing tricks

There was also a big red pincer shrimp on the bamboo. Roger slowed down a step and Wei buzzard pulled it off and threw it into the river fish basket.

The guard bunting immediately picked up the river fresh basket and looked at it, looking at this basket and that basket.

They were all rare river delicacies, and none of the children in the tribe had ever eaten them. As the most powerful gene in the younger generation, the Bunting had eaten red claw shrimps, and he had never eaten mushroom claw crabs.

Roger had expectations in his heart but didn't show much of it on his face. At this time, he and Wei Yue's excitement had calmed down.

Roger stood up, glanced at Yanli, and asked Luo Bi, "Can I still catch him?"

Luo Jie and Wei Wei both looked at it. The fences and bamboos were all made from local materials and were not made. Who knows whether they will become useless after one use. Only Luo Bi knew the secret.

Wei Yu saw that the refining rope was loose, so he untied it and tied it again. Luo Bi could not do this job.

Wei Yu was distracted listening to what Luo Bi said.

Luo Bi was distracted and glanced at the ginseng worms on the fence. She didn't care if they didn't fall off, but Luo Bi wouldn't remind Wei Wei that there were ginseng worms on it. Others were playing tricks on her, so she couldn't be stupid.

Luo Bi was talking about talented people, not Wei Yue and Roger.

Roger and Wei Yu are shrewd, but they haven't played tricks on her yet, but Luo Bi has been used to seeing the various calculations of talented people, and has long been fed up with it, and she has to think more about others.

I didn't play tricks with her, and I didn't want her to be more cautious.

However, Luo Bi was not sure whether he could catch it or not: "I can catch it! I don't know either."

Luo Bi felt in her heart that she could catch it, but who knows? If you can catch it on the first fence, you may not be able to catch it again. If the fence is thrown down and no delicious river fish is caught, it will be a joke.

Roger raised his eyebrows and looked over. He didn't believe that Luo Bi didn't know, but it was hard to say. Sometimes Luo Bi, a woman, really didn't have any clues at all, she was just blind.

It happened so many times that Roger became upset. After all, the weapon Luo Bi used this time was not a refined weapon.

Wei Yu raised his eyes to look at Luo Bi and tied the refining rope.

The guard bunting knew what was going on, and now he raised his little head, worried that he wouldn't be able to catch it.

Luo Bi took the bamboo, opened the small defensive cover, and walked towards the river: "I'll try, forget it if I can't catch it."

Luo Bi has such a temper that she doesn't let others rely too much on her ideas. Even if she is 100% sure, she won't lie. It would be better if she can catch her. If she can't catch her, she will stop talking.

Wei Yu and Roger then moved over. Luo Bi didn't put the bamboo in its original position. She had just caught a bunch of delicious shrimps and crabs here, and then put bamboo here. This was too much to bully He Xian's brain.

In another place, there might be someone out for a walk.

Luo Bi took a look, moved the bamboo closer to the south, and picked a place to put it.

"Let it go here?!" Luo Bi turned around and asked the Thunder Flame Warrior. She didn't have an idea.

Roger glanced at him and exchanged glances with Wei Yu. They didn't think this position was good.

Roger had a good idea, but he couldn't figure out what Luo Bi was tossing, so he didn't say much. He glanced at it and nodded, completely letting Luo Bi have the final say. If he could catch delicious shrimps and crabs, Luo Bi would say what it was.

After placing the bamboo, Luo Bi stood with the Thunder Flame Warrior for a while.

On the river in the distance, a group of fish splashed in the water, causing a group of hunting teams and mercenary groups to get into an excited mess. Most of the ordinary fish harvested at this time were fish with colorful halo scales. There are all levels.

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