Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3176 This is really idle

Luo Bi was thoughtful and asked, "Are they all so young?"

Three mushroom claw crabs weigh one pound, which is much smaller than the blue crab Luo Qing sent.

There are large mushroom claw crabs, but there are only a few here and there, and the number is negligible.

"The big one is still behind." Roger looked at the Xun River, exhaled, squinted his eyes and said, "Wei Buzzard, I think there should be more than just small crabs passing through the attacking river fish group this time."

Wei Ye nodded and spoke, and the Leiyan warriors picked up the river fresh basket and walked to the camp.

At this time, the Bunting also came back to buy seasonings, and the child bought a box of fresh vegetables. Otherwise, the Bunting came back earlier, and it was because he went to someone else's field to pick vegetables, so he came back late.

The bamboos had just been put away, and everyone was free, so they moved two boxes of delicious river fresh food and got busy.

There were also river clams and clams in the small glazed basin, which were almost spit out. Wei Tzu took them to the spring and washed them over and over again, trying not to eat them.

Roger and Wei Bunting collected shrimps and crabs and were also busy at the spring.

After packing up a basin, Luo Bi took it to the kitchen area on the spacecraft. Wei Yu prepared the necessary seasonings and side dishes in the kitchen area, and then chopped the delicious river fresh food into pieces so that it would be easier to bake.

In the middle, Luo Bi also asked Shang Weiyue to collect a batch of delicious river fresh food, and harvested more than fifty kilograms.

"Two hundred pounds." Luo Bi muttered.

Wei Yu glanced at Luo Bi and carried two baskets of river fresh food back to the spaceship. Roger took over the work in the kitchen. At this time, he had already put the mushrooms and claw crabs on the grill and started grilling them.

Sprinkle with seasonings, and the delicious taste of river food will come out.

Wei Zi carried a basin of river clams and clams onto the spacecraft and swallowed his saliva: "It smells so good! I have never eaten mushrooms and crabs before. I will eat more later."

"Can you eat only you until you are exhausted?" Luo Bi said.

Wei Zi said: "More than a dozen."

Luo Bicai didn't believe it: "You can still eat more than a dozen of them."

Wei Zi put down the clam and said, "If you don't believe me, I'll eat it for you later."

"Just watch."

Luo Bi sat on a chair outside the kitchen area, watching Roger busy and silent. She was calculating the number. Roger just said that there are thousands of small crabs. How many can they catch at one time?

Robbie wanted to count, but she liked the excitement. She looked at Roger and asked, "Can I move the river fresh basket to the kitchen area here? I want to count how many I can catch at one time."

Roger's mouth twitched as he roasted river delicacies. This was really idle time. He caught more than fifty kilograms at a time. He knew that two kilograms was enough. Why did he count them? There was really no need.

But Roger was in a good mood, so he let Luo Bi toss around, nodded and said, "Look at the supply warehouse on the spaceship."

"The kitchen area is busy." Luo Bi was not happy.

Roger chuckled: "Then go ahead and move it! One basket weighs thirty kilograms, can you move it?"

"I can handle thirty pounds." Luo Bi went to move it.

Luo Bi gritted her teeth and carried out the river fresh basket that Wei Yu had just put away. She even had to go to the kitchen area of ​​the spaceship to get close to Roger, Wei Zi, and Wei Yu.

Luo Jie grilled river fresh food, Wei Zi skewered vegetables, and Wei Yu started frying river clams and river clams. The quantity of river clams was too small, so he added small hot peppers and river clams and fried them together to make spicy fried river clams.

Add sweet sauce and the delicious taste is amazing.

Luo Bi took an empty river fresh basket, and there were three mushrooms and claw crabs, the small ones, three to a pound, there were about a hundred of them, and there were one to two pounds, a total of about twenty Only.

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