Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3180: Exploded after one use

There was sweat on Luo Bi's face. It was a very hot day.

The Thunder Flame warrior was enjoying himself while drinking tea and watching other hunting teams and mercenary groups fighting. If Xiao Yanli can still be used, they will feel at ease. Picking up for free is much more jealous than fighting.

Wei Zi couldn't sleep, so he ran down from the spaceship, took out a few bottles of energy liquid and said, "I extracted a few bottles of energy liquid. If you want to fight, you can use them."

Wei Yu took it but had no intention of using it. The risk factor of fighting at night was too high.

Luo Bi said at this time: "It's better to pick it up for nothing."

What this said was in the minds of Wei Yu and Luo Jie. They just wanted to get the delicious river food for free without fighting, and they didn't have to consume energy liquid, elixirs, and energy stones.

Compared to them, other hunting teams and mercenary groups are like idiots.

"Can the small fence be used?" Wei Zi then asked.

Wei Wei estimated that the time was almost up and walked away: "Go and have a look."

Roger and the others followed up with cheers. There was an attacking river fish in the water here. They were attacking with water balloons just now. Luo Bi and Wei Zi wanted to join in the fun, so they opened the defensive shield.

However, there is no need for a defensive cover at all. At this time, there is not a single attacking river fish in the waters here.

At this moment, Wei Yu and Luo Jie figured it out no matter how hard they tried. Where did the attacking Hexian go? They all went to the small fence and the refining rope.

Luo Bi sneered, greedy enough not to attack, just focusing on the greedy bite.

Wei Yue and Luo Jie probably knew what they were doing, and they felt a lot more at ease. Actually, it wasn't their fault. The things Luo Bi worked with usually exploded after one use, or were broken after one day of use. It was strange that they didn't worry.

When the bamboos were brought ashore, everyone's hearts settled. Good guy, there were another bunch of river freshness. The small fence was fine, but the mushrooms and claw crabs were the ones on the refined ropes. many.

Maybe it pulled all the mushrooms and claw crabs around. The crabs were so crowded together that the bamboo couldn't support the weight.

Everyone was overjoyed and started pulling down the mushrooms and claw crabs. Wei Zi also started to move, but Luo Bi did not move. She had to go back to sleep, otherwise she would not be energetic when she woke up tomorrow.

The offensive type of river fresh food was packed with two baskets of fresh river food, weighing more than 60 kilograms.

Wei Bun and Wei Tzu were carrying the river fresh baskets, and Luo Bi said, "I'm going to bed."

Wei Yu said: "Go."

"In a while, the ginseng worms will be gone and we'll go find the guard buntings, which are laying on the rocks." Luo Bi was worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep well, so she told her, "Don't call me. I won't be able to fall asleep once I wake up."

Wei Yu nodded: "I won't call you anymore."

Luo Bi went back to sleep. It was only midnight, and Wei Tzu also went to bed in the second half of the night. The Bunting can endure hardships and stays busy with Roger and the Bunting. When sleepy, he drinks tea to refresh himself.

Later, Wei Yu and Luo Jie were divided into two groups, those who slept and those who collected river fresh food.

The next day, the weather was still so good. It was sweltering in the morning, but it didn't rain. This is better and saves you from catching river fish on rainy days, which consumes more physical energy.

The hunting teams and mercenary groups got busy early in the morning, taking advantage of the fact that the morning was cooler than noon to catch some river fresh food.

Wei Zi was so happy that she opened her mouth from ear to ear when she got up early in the morning. There were so many delicious river delicacies. The little girl called Luo Bi excitedly.

Luo Bi sighed, she hadn't slept enough yet, what did she ask her to do? !

Luo Bi followed Wei Zi and found out that the Thunder Flame warriors had caught more than a thousand kilograms of delicious river food in one night, almost all of which were mushrooms and claw crabs. Most of them were first-level combatants, with a few second-level combatants.

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